CGBN Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature


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Presentation transcript:

CGBN Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature 18th meeting – 12-13/03/15 Agenda item 2.1 Progress on Target 1 Developments since CGBN of September 2014

Action 1 Completion and management of Natura 2000 Site designation COM Dec on update of 6 Union SCI lists adopted in Dec 2014 >60,000 km² Marine area ES, IR, BG, LI New Pilots on SCI and SPA designations LFNs on SAC designation Natura 2000 Biogeographic process Cont/Pann/Blacksea/Step Kick-off 29/6-1/7 2015 LUX Marine Seminar 5-7 May in Saint-Malo, FR New contract Several follow-up activities of previous seminars

Action 1 Completion and management of Natura 2000 Expert Group meeting on Natura 2000 Management Brussels, 27/4/2015 Biogeo Conservation and restoration objectives FRV Guidance docs Marine issues Marine expert group 30-31 October Prep Saint Malo Designations MPAs under MSFD Natura 2000 and CFP

Action 2 Financing Natura 2000 See also items 4.1 and 8 LIFE IPs LIFE PAF projects networking workshop 24/3/2015 Evaluation of OPs

Action 3 Stakeholder awareness and involvement, enforcement

2015 Call for application 94 applications received Evaluations ongoing Citizens Award Ceremony on Natura 2000 day 21 May 2015

Action 3 Stakeholder awareness and involvement, enforcement New Guidance Docs Natura 2000 and forests (close to be finalised) Energy transmission facilities and Natura 2000 (idem) Natura 2000 and Hydropower (under development, item 2.4) Article 6 update (idem) Large Carnivores

Action 4 Reporting State of Nature report Next reporting group meeting EEA technical document, see agenda item 2.2 Commission report on the "State of Nature in the EU" in April/May 2015 Next reporting group meeting Derogation reporting Update of SDFs Discussion on current and next Art 17/12 reports (reporting formats and guidelines, strucure and functions, FRV, Inspire, population units,…)

Agenda Expert Group on the Habitats and Birds Directives Next meeting on 15-16/10/14 Update on Fitness Check Reporting: Art 17 HD + Art 12 report, Derogations Guidance docs Birds Species Plans, Article 7 BD, list of EU Wild Birds, Illegal Killing of Birds