The Case for Lactase? Evaluate and report on the claims of an advertisement for Dr. Sams Fantastic Stomach Solution TM which recently appeared on-line at the login page for the Gaggle computer search engine
Goal: Evaluate and report on the claims of an advertisement for Dr. Sams Fantastic Stomach Solution TM which recently appeared on-line at the login page for the Gaggle computer search engine. Role: You and your team are members of the Junior Squad of the Food and Drug Administration Scenario: Your team has been given the job of testing and evaluating the claims made in the pop-up banner (shown below) which appears whenever you log on to the Gaggle Internet search engine.
Text of Advertising Banner on Gaggle: Dr. Sams Fantastic Stomach Solution TM Do you have trouble eating foods containing milk sugar (lactose) because you are lactose intolerant? Use Dr. Sams Fantastic Stomach Solution TM and your troubles will be over. With Dr. Sam you can drink regular milk right off the store shelf and be symptom free. How? We guarantee that Dr. Sams Fantastic Stomach Solution TM will convert the lactose (milk sugar) which you cannot digest into sugars which are simpler and easier to digest (glucose and galactose), giving you the same amount of sugar conversion as in the leading lactose-free milk product. No need to buy that Lactose-free milk which costs more and tastes bad! Try Dr. Sams Fantastic Stomach Solution TM today! Your tummy will thank you! (This is followed by a streaming video clip in which Dr. Sam, in his white coat, tests milk samples before and after addition of his Fantastic Stomach Solution TM product with glucose test strips).
Directions : You and your group are to design and report results for an experiment which will investigate Dr. Sams advertising claims. Upon conclusion of your investigation, you must report your results and conclusions to your teacher.
What will you have to work with in the lab? Regular milk (2% milk and/or Skim milk) Dr. Sams Fantastic Stomach Solution (Lactase) Benedict s reagent 2% glucose solution (positive control) Water (negative control)
Background Information
Procedures: To test effectiveness of Dr. Sams Fantastic Stomach Solution TM Type of SolutionGlucose Test (+ or -) Test Tube 1: Glucose solution and water Test Tube 2: water Test Tube 3: milk and water Test Tube 4: milk and enzyme solution Benedict s Test for Glucose Add 5-7 drops of Benedicts Solution to each sample tested (3ml each). Heat test tube in a hot water bath for 3-5 minutes. Check/Record color change. A positive result will be orange solution
Results: Type of SolutionGlucose Test (+ or -) Test Tube 1: Glucose solution and water + Test Tube 2: water - Test Tube 3: milk and water - Test Tube 4: milk and enzyme solution +
Conclusions : Lactose in milk can be broken down into glucose and galactose. We tested to see if the lactose in milk was broken down by detecting glucose We used Benedicts reagent to detect glucose The milk tested positive for glucose with lactase (Dr. Sams) added in test tube 3 but was negative for glucose with out the lactase (Dr. Sams) in test tube 2 We can conclude that the added lactase (Dr. Sams) caused lactose to be broken down because of the positive glucose test so its ad claims are valid