Welcome! April 17th, 2018 Tuesday Do Now Get out your weekly Bell Ringer sheet and begin working on Tuesday’s assignment. Once the bell rings, you will have five minutes to guess the meaning of the word. Make sure you explain your thinking! Remember: Do Now's are INDEPENDENT and QUIET exercises. Thank you
My grandmother will not tolerate uncouth behavior like Read the following sentence and guess the meaning of the word uncouth based on the context. My grandmother will not tolerate uncouth behavior like chewing with your mouth open. If someone is uncouth, they are lacking good manners, refinement, or grace (in appearance or behavior). © Presto Plans
The Book Thief Turn to page 255. We’re going to read to page 266, and then you’ll read and annotate pages 267-271 on your own. As we read: Make sure you’re paying attention and annotating as we go! It will help you remember what’s happening. As you read: Don’t forget to annotate! You will need at least one well-thought out, 2+ sentence annotation per page
Character Maps! IXL: M.3 and M.4 Goals for Today: Continue working on your character maps! Remember: Ten characters need a visual representation You need fifteen arrows describing the relationships Five of the central characters need a quote from the text that show something significant about their personality or character. For your five chosen quotes, you need a brief analysis (2-3 sentences) describing the importance of the line. Consider: What does your quote show about the character? Justify its importance.