Muscle Naming
1. Direction of muscle fibers Rectus: muscles are parallel to the body Transverse: muscles are perpendicular to the body Oblique: muscles are at an angle to the body
2. size of muscle Maximus: large muscle Gluteus Maximus Medius: moderate size Gluteus Medius Minimus: small muscle Gluteus Minimus Longus: long muscle Extensor Digitorum Longus Brevis: short muscle Extensor Digitorum Brevis
Zygomaticus major: zygomatic bone Frontalis: frontal bone 3. Location of muscle Zygomaticus major: zygomatic bone Frontalis: frontal bone Orbicularis “Oculi”: eye Temporalis: temporal bone
4.)Number of Origins: (fixed end of the muscle) Biceps: 2 origins Triceps: 3 origins Quadriceps: 4 origins
Sternocleidomastoid 5. Origin & Insertion The muscles is has the name of the place it begins (origin) and the place it inserts (insertion) in its name. Sternocleidomastoid Sterno= sternum Cleido= clavicle Mastoid= mastoid process of temporal bone
6. SHape Deltoid: delta shape Trapezius: trapezoid shape Orbicularis oculi: circular Serratus Anterior: “saw toothed” Teres major: long and round
7. Action of the muscle The movement that occurs when the muscle contracts. Adductor Longus Abductor Digiti Minimi Extensor Digitorum Flexor Digitorum