"Living The Mission In Hard Times." Provisions October 17, 2017
Comments A personal story that emphasizes the importance of the work of science educators. What is important when teaching science to pre-service teachers? How does our program address these important questions? What are the hard times and how has this affected teaching science to our students? How does our program connect to the mission?
A personal story Just as in National Politics, we talk about fake news, in science education circles, there is talk of fake science or pseudoscience. Last spring, I received a book called Why Scientists disagree about Global Warming . Published by The Heartland Institute, a right –wing think tank . I learned later that 300,000 teachers across the country had received this book. This book was sent to primarily K-12 teachers as well as physical science college professors. Looking at the book , I recognized one of the authors as asc ientist who was connected to the doubt spread about smoking causing cancer when the research said otherwise. One of the Introductions was written by a woman who worked for Breitbart. Its purpose is to confuse the written statements published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) which targets human activities as the main cause of the climate change observed since the industrial revolution. A statement which is supported by the research of 97% of climate scientists all over the world.
How did the authors of the book support their arguments? Some of the strategies 1.Chopping off the most recent data points -which have the highest temperature 2. Compressing the axis of their graphs so that the vertical scale is so enormous that any rise looks like a straight line
Has the propaganda worked? In a survey by Penn State University and the National Center for Science Education, 30 % of science teachers said they teach their students that climate change is “likely due to natural causes.” Another 31 % of the teachers teach their students that the science of climate changer is still unsettled. ( Brett Carlson. The Magazine of the Sierra Club, November/December 2017)
What can be done? The response of one science educator( earth scientist), Alexandra Moore, was to publish her own book to send to high school educators called the Teacher-Friendly guide to Climate Change. She wants to send over 200,000 copies to high schools so it will combat the book put out by The Heartland Institute.
What can our program do about it ? What do we need to teach? How science works. Basic content of multiple disciplines- so that a topic like climate change can be understood. And pseudo science can be recognized for what it is.
A Brief Outline of Our Program A Brief Outline of Our Program Interdisciplinary Team-Taught Integrated Lectures Weekly Laboratories with both graduate assistants and faculty Peer-Led Workshops Service Learning
What are the Hard times in our world ? What can we do about ? For Science Teachers – I believe the single most important issue is Climate Change. At this college, as a science educator I feel that it is our responsibility to be sure all of our students are scientific literate because from now and for the rest of our student’s lives, they will be living with the consequences of Climate change.
Hard times for our program The Environmental Science/ Geology program was cut.
Experiencing the Mission 17 years ago when I came to St. Rose, I was struck with the culture of kindness and respect that existed. Academic rigor was fostered. Service was fundamental. A strong community existed that was fostered by many community building opportunities. That culture has changed during these difficult times. Many parts of the community have retreated into silos- which does not advance community or the mission.
How we connect to the mission ….The College of Saint Rose community engages highly motivated undergraduate and graduate students in rigorous educational experiences. - Interdisciplinary, Team taught, Workshops, Peer leaders, Graduate Students …..Our engagement with the urban environment expands the setting for educational opportunities and encourages the St. Rose community's energetic involvement and effective leadership- Community Partners for Service Learning- Albany Fund for Education, City School District of Albany, NYS Museum, Albany Pine Bush, City of Albany Forestry Department, NYS DEC , Friday Knights, Help Yourself Academy
How does our program connect to the mission? We have formed a community that benefits ourselves and our students in many ways. Team teaching in lecture Team teaching in laboratories with graduate assistants Team teaching with peer leaders and a Learning Specialist Workshops with Peer leaders Service learning with community partners