Business Revenue Prediction
Revenue Income that a company gains from business activities, calculated before any expenses are subtracted. Includes all sales and other increases in value. Increasing revenues over time are generally a good sign of company's growth.
What will the revenue of your company be in 2020? How can we use math to make a prediction? What do you need to know? How can you use the information to make a prediction?
“revenue history of ___________” Collect data Collect revenue data for AT LEAST the last 10 years, preferably longer. Create a table to organize your data (on paper). Year Revenue (billions) 2004 1.59 2005 1.934 2006 2.356 2007 2.768 2008 2.615 2009 2.723 2010 2.951 2011 3.436 2012 3.793 2013 4.24 2014 4.803 2015 5.374 2016 5.733 Search “annual revenue for __________” OR “revenue history of ___________”
Create a Scatter Plot
Use your scatter plot to predict What will your company’s revenue be in 2020?