Example Extract 3/4 – THE MONKEY’S PAW: One student, having read this part of the text, said: ‘The writer creates a mood of unbearable sadness’ To what extent do you agree? You must use quotes to prove your opinion Which techniques were used? Use the word ‘because’ in your answer
? My answer The story of… my answer Need to talk/plan Read that part of the story again ? Think about the best word Need to talk/plan Challenge: Can you discuss your story now? Challenge 2: Write it down?
My answer The story of… my answer 1. Read that part of the story again I agree that the writer makes it obvious that the stranger has some bad news. The writer creates tension at the start of the extract by having the character of the stranger act in a hesitant way. This is suggested in the quotation, ’three times he paused at the gate’. The adjective ‘three’ suggests that he kept repeating his message in his head. 2. Talk about the best word in the quote 3. Need some time to think 4. Share ideas that are ‘not obvious’ 5. Identified my weakness Challenge: Discuss your story now? Challenge 2: What exactly changed? Write down a list as a story.