Supplies Needed: - Pencil Announcements: VOICE LEVEl: 1 WHISPER Think Now: 4/3/17 VOICE LEVEl: 1 WHISPER Supplies Needed: - Pencil - Ipad Notebook - HW: Evaluating Expressions Announcements: We will choose class jobs on Wednesday. Rewards: (Math Field Day, Interim Test after Spring Break, Period 1) 2. A submarine was situated 800 feet below sea level. If it ascends 250 feet, what is its new position?
7th Grade Common Core Math Honors Graphing In slope Intercept Form Weeks 10 - 14 Name_____________________Date___________ DATE HW Notes 3/21/18 Graphing In slope Intercept Form NO NOtes 4/3/18 Number Sense Task No Notes
Number Sense Task Objective: Students will be able to calculate the distance from a real world scenario with a 75% accuracy or more on the Number Sense Performance Task. What will students be able to do? What must you score on the exit slip to meet the objective? How does this connect to what
Number Talks
- Discuss your answer and method with your table for 1 minute. No Talking Put your fist to your chest and give me a thumbs up when you… Which one doesn’t belong? Find a reason why. - Discuss your answer and method with your table for 1 minute.
HW REVIEW!!! Evaluating Expressions
Number Sense Task
Collaborative Work VOICE LEVEL: 2 or 3 VOICE LEVEl: 2 or 3 Complete the Number Sense Task Analyze your Math Grade (Pinnacle) - Quizizz (Last 6 minutes)
Independent Work VOICE LEVEl: 1 Whisper VOICE LEVEl: 1 Whisper GO TO: Ed Puzzle – “ CC3 4.1.2 – Writing an Equation and Creating a Table” IXL: THIS WEEK 8th Grade (Level J) - Z.2 “Does (x,) satisfy the linear function?” - W.9 “Solve equations involving like terms” LAST WEEK 8th Grade (Level J) - V.12 “Multiplying using The Distributive Property” - W.7 “Solve two step equations” 3) HW 4) Extra Math Practice