Class Pages/Genesis Class Pages can be accessed through the JMHS Website. Go to JMHS website click on Teacher Pages then find the specific teacher. Genesis can also be accessed through the JMHS Website.
Grading Procedure
Procedures Students must make it their responsibility to check class pages and contact me for missing work. Late work will be accepted up until the test for that material. Objectives are posted and referred to each day. Change and Continuity over time is stressed. As well as connecting learning to the present day.
Philosophy My main focus as an educator is on the critical thinking skills of the students. It is my belief these skills, regardless of task will serve them best throughout their lives. We accomplish this philosophy through a combination of Student-centered and Direct-instruction, utilizing individual and group assignments. Extended learning/technology, either as individuals or groups is also an integral part of the class.
Reminder Freshmen Cannot be exempt from Final Examinations. Sophomores, Juniors and seniors are still eligible.
Availability I am available each day after school from 1:38-2:15 (Or Later) Students are welcome and encouraged to seek extra help and clarification for their assignments.
Thank You For Coming.