Together, we can make it Hello. My name is ____. We are here today to talk about mental illnesses. It’s a hard subject for many to discuss openly, and the goal for today is to help you become more comfortable with it. Today, we’re going to have an open conversation about mental illnesses, the stigma surrounding mental illnesses, and what we can do to change attitudes and ultimately, people’s lives. I am not an expert on mental illnesses or mental health care, but I feel strongly about stopping the stigma surrounding them. That is why I am here today. I will do my best to answer any questions you may have and direct you where can go to receive more in-depth information on the topic.
Let’s Make It OK Take a close look at stigma around mental illness Learn more about mental illness Learn how to Make It OK We’re going to start by taking a closer look at the stigma surrounding mental illnesses, give you some information about mental illnesses, and give you some tools to help get the conversation going. (The topic of mental illness can be devastating at times, especially knowing how common it is, it is possible that at some point in this presentation you might need to take some time to regroup. If at any time you feel like you need to leave the room, please do so. Taking care of yourself is one of the most important things we can do for our own mental health, so please take whatever time or space you need.)
Let’s talk about mental illness Have you or a loved one ever struggled with a mental illness (immediate family, close friends)? Interactive Participation Can be done using hands, handout or Poll Everywhere (contact Julia Johnson at Julia.a.Johnson@Lakeview.Org if you’re interested in using Poll Everywhere) Additional Questions: How many people here are left-handed? Stand up. How many drive silver cars? Stand up.
Let’s check our own stigma If I had a mental illness I would tell my friends A. Strongly agree B. Agree C. Neutral D. Disagree E. Strongly Disagree Interactive Participation Can be done using hands, handout or Poll Everywhere (contact Julia Johnson at Julia.a.Johnson@Lakeview.Org if you’re interested in using Poll Everywhere)
Let’s check our own stigma People with a mental illness don’t try hard enough to get better A. Strongly agree B. Agree C. Neutral D. Disagree E. Strongly Disagree Interactive Participation Can be done using hands, handout or Poll Everywhere (contact Julia Johnson at Julia.a.Johnson@Lakeview.Org if you’re interested in using Poll Everywhere)
Let’s check our own stigma I am more comfortable helping a person who has a physical illness than I am helping a person who has a mental illness A. Strongly agree B. Agree C. Neutral D. Disagree E. Strongly Disagree Interactive Participation Can be done using hands, handout or Poll Everywhere (contact Julia Johnson at Julia.a.Johnson@Lakeview.Org if you’re interested in using Poll Everywhere)
Let’s talk about what creates stigma When you think about mental illness, what images come to mind? You can’t really talk about mental illnesses without talking about stigma (a set of negative and often unfair images/beliefs that a society or group of people have about something) What images or words come to mind? What are they wearing? How old are they? What are they doing? Does the media portrayed individuals with a mental illness in a certain way?
Mental Illness Stigma Common Images: Come from: Scary/violent Homeless Disheveled Weird Very sad In an institution Come from: Media The “news” “Taboo” Lack of information Fear The media has made it easy for these images to be recalled when you think of mental illnesses. Unfortunately, these are common stereotypes that surround mental illnesses: Disheveled Scary looking Very sad Homeless In an institution When we have negative images it makes it easier to: Make fun of people with mental illnesses Ridicule or trivialize people Have less empathy for people with mental illnesses. Discriminate against people with mental illnesses
Mental illness can affect anyone, anywhere… The reality… Mental illness can affect anyone, anywhere… regardless of age, gender, race, religion, Occupation, ability, language or income. Here are some images of real people who experience a mental illness. The truth is, that mental illnesses impact: Every age, race and ethnicity Every occupation- from attorneys to waitresses, doctors to nurses, teachers to legislators Famous people, Not so famous people, Coworkers, Neighbors The problem is that you can’t always “see it.” Why do we hold such negative images? Let’s take another look at the stigma, this time, how we talk about them.
Let’s talk about it What are some slang terms used to describe people experiencing a mental illness? What are some slang terms used to describe people who have cancer? Now, remembering that this is an exercise about stereotypes and the stigma. Take some time to think in your own mind of some slang terms used to describe someone who is mentally ill? Now, lets take a look at the way we talk about other illnesses, such as cancer. What kind of slang terms do you know of that are used to describe cancer patients? (Allow time for thought.) It’s a little more difficult, isn’t it. Let’s think about this: What makes these individuals different? Why do we have more derogatory words for mental illnesses than cancer? Why are there more negative thoughts and emotions that come to mind when someone is experiencing a mental illness? The answer can be tracked back to the stigma surrounding mental illnesses. This stigma impacts how each of us think about, talk about- and even treat people experiencing a mental illness, whether we know it or not. The stigma isn't just an attitude, it’s also discrimination.
Let’s talk about stigma Mental illnesses Cancer Lazy Weak Selfish Violent Courageous Determined Inspirational Generous How we picture and talk about mental illnesses, shapes how we think about people who may experience one. Here are some of the common characteristics of people who experience mental illnesses and cancer. Why do you think there is such a difference when both are naturally occurring illnesses? This stigma impacts how each of us think about, talk about- and even treat people experiencing a mental illness, whether we know it or not. The stigma isn't just an attitude, it’s also discrimination.
...So let’s learn more Thank you for taking the time to honestly review our stigma in the room today. Stigma is created by multiple factors including media interpretation and a general lack of understanding of what mental illness is. If we don’t talk about it, we can’t break down stigma….so lets talk.
What is mental illness? A medical condition Common Treatable 1 in 4 adults 1 in 5 children (1 in 8 have diabetes) Treatable Its never too late and never too early to get help for a mental illness A medical condition. It can disrupt a person’s thinking, feeling, mood, ability to relate to others, and daily functioning. Common. One in four people will develop a mental illness in their lifetime. Putting all of this in perspective, about one in eight people will have diabetes. Treatable. Most mental illnesses can be treated effectively with medication, therapy, diet, exercise, and support. Recovery is possible. Never too late or too early to get help
Mental illness is NOT… Imaginary Something to “get over” A character flaw A moral failure I want to take some time to point out what mental illness is not Mental Illness is not: Imaginary. Mental illnesses are very real and very common. Something to “get over.” Mental illnesses cannot be willed away. A character flaw. Mental illnesses are medical conditions that do not define us. A moral failure. “It’s a problem in the brain not just all in your mind”
A mental illness can be caused by… Chemical imbalance Genetics Environmental stressors Trauma Brain injury There are many possible causes of mental illness The brain is an organ within the nervous system. Just like the stomach is an organ in the GI system. Chemical imbalance. Chemical or biochemical changes in the brain can be factors. Genetics. Some mental illnesses get passed along from one generation to the next. Environment al stressors: Exposure to trauma, injury drugs, or alcohol can affect the brain Trauma. Sometimes traumatic events can play a role in triggering a mental illness.
Realities of Chronic Illnesses In the Body (physical) … Fears Expenses/insurance Lifestyle changes Emotional toll Can be overwhelming In the Brain (mental)… ALL that PLUS: Blame Shame Avoiding treatment School system Legal system These are overwhelming and life altering realities for person and family for ANY chronic illness These are ALSO overwhelming and life altering realities for person and family for ANY chronic illness, with MANY MORE realities that are equally or even more challenging, AND because of stigma, there is less help to navigate and manage. There are many possible causes of mental illness The brain is an organ within the nervous system. Just like the stomach is an organ in the GI system. Trauma. Sometimes traumatic events can play a role in triggering a mental illness. Chemical imbalance. Chemical or biochemical changes in the brain can be factors. Genetics. Some mental illnesses get passed along from one generation to the next. Environment al stressors: Exposure to trauma, injury drugs, or alcohol can affect the brain
Lungs: Cystic Fibrosis GI: Cohn's Disease Questions Fears Doctors Chronic Diseases Pancreas: Diabetes Lungs: Cystic Fibrosis GI: Cohn's Disease Questions Fears Doctors Medications Expenses Insurance Lifestyle Changes Expectations Emotional Toll This are more detailed and optional, depending on your comfort level talking about body systems. Systemic: Diabetes Lungs: Cystic Fibrosis Digestive: Cohn's Disease
Chronic Diseases Brain: Schizophrenia Bipolar Mood Disorder PTSD Questions Fears Doctors Medications Expenses Insurance Lifestyle Changes Expectations Emotional Toll Stigma Blame School Legal Parity Ostracized Avoidance Denial Shame Guilt Secrecy Avoid treatment
Common Mental Illnesses Anxiety Depression Bipolar Disorder Schizophrenia PTSD Eating Disorders Panic Disorder ADD/ADHD Borderline Personality Disorder Schizoaffective Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Substance Abuse Disorder There are several common mental illnesses listed here. Not all mental illnesses are on this list, but this gives you an idea of the variety that is out there. The symptoms listed can be connected with several of them. Depression – beyond feeling sad or blue. Symptoms last for more than two weeks and include, sad, or irritable mood, changes in appetite, sleep, energy, ability to concentrate and remember, lack of interest in usual activities, and a decreased ability to experience pleasure. Bipolar Disorder – in addition to the lows of depression, can include mania such as unpredictable behavior, grandiose ideas, spending sprees, decreased need for sleep, more talkative, racing thoughts, distractible, risk taking. Schizophrenia – hallucinations or delusions, emotional flatness, lack of expressiveness, inability to start and follow through with activities, difficulty with organizing tasks, memory. Anxiety - pounding heart, sweating, trembling, dizzy, short of breath, numbness, chills, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, irritable, edginess. Anxiety is the most commonly diagnosed mental illness. Please note. Symptoms will manifest themselves differently in people. Please understand that this list is very generalized and shouldn’t be read as hard fact. If you want to learn more about these illnesses specifically there is more information on the MIO website or NAMI
Why it matters # 1 cause of disability in North America People wait 10 years before seeking treatment Highly treatable: 70-90% of peoples’ symptoms are reduce/they feel better with treatment 1 out of 4 High School students felt so sad/hopeless almost every day for 2 weeks or more and stopped doing some usual activities (YRBS/MN Student Survey) 2nd leading cause of death for people ages 15-24 Additional Talking Points: It’s OK because mental illnesses are treatable – life can get better The best treatments for serious mental illnesses today are highly effective. In fact, between 70 – 90 percent of peoples’ symptoms are reduced and they feel better when following individualized treatment plans. However, most people live with their symptoms an average of 10 years before seeking treatment, largely due to the stigma. Over 60% of people with a mental illness don’t receive treatment. The sooner people get treatment, the greater their chances of recovery. As with any illness, it’s better to identify and treat it early before someone becomes seriously ill. And that is the focus of the Make It Ok campaign. We educate everyone about mental illnesses, stop the silence and Make It Ok.
Why it matters Mental illness is inseparably meshed with other health conditions, and overall health and well being Stigma is a problem, not because it is rude, insulting, hurts feelings or unfair. Stigma is a problem because it kills people. Additional Talking Points: Serious mental illness costs America $193.2 billion in lost earnings per year.15Mood disorders, including major depression, dysthymic disorder and bipolar disorder, are the third most common cause of hospitalization in the U.S. for both youth and adults aged 18–44.16Individuals living with serious mental illness face an increased risk of having chronic medical conditions.17 Adults in the U.S. living with serious mental illness die on average 25 years earlier than others, largely due to treatable medical conditions.18Over one-third (37%) of students with a mental health condition age 14–21 and older who are served by special education drop out—the highest dropout rate of any disability group.19Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S.,20 the 3rd leading cause of death for people aged 10–2421 and the 2nd leading cause of death for people aged 15–24.22More than 90% of children who die by suicide have a mental health condition.23Each day an estimated 18-22 veterans die by suicide.24 - See more at: (info from nami)
How do we stop the stigma? Conversation. Try these simple tips for talking…
“Everyone feels that way sometimes.” “ We’ve all been there.” NOT ^ “It could be worse.” “Just deal with it.” “Snap out of it.” “Everyone feels that way sometimes.” “ We’ve all been there.” “You’ve got to pull yourself together.” “Maybe try thinking happier thoughts.” Here is a list of things that aren’t helpful to say Can you think of other things not to say? Why? Another thing to remember, is to try to avoid using derogatory phrases, like crazy, psycho, insane or nuts. These words actually help perpetuate the stigma- and it is amazing how much those words are used on a day-to-day basis. Reflecting back to our conversations about cancer, this conversation about someone and their mental illness should sound very similar to someone with any illness. The key to remember is to not dismiss their illness and to be there for them. All of this can be done by talking.
“Thanks for opening up to me.” “Is there anything I can do to help?” “Relapse is a part of recovery, not the end of it.” “I’m sorry to hear that. It must be tough.” “I’m here for you when you need me.” “I can’t imagine what you’re going though.” “Can I drive you to an appointment?” “How are you feeling today?” Now that we have some “general rules” for talking about mental illnesses and hurtful language to avoid, let’s go over some of the things you can say. Can you think of any other things that would be helpful? Thanks for sharing. I care about you. People do get better.
Let’s practice talking about mental illness Scenario: Your best friend comes over and says that they haven’t been feeling well lately. They say they have been diagnosed with anxiety and sometimes it feels like their heart is pounding so hard they feel like they are having a heart attack. What do you say? It can be very hard to open up about such a serious illness. How can you, as a friend, make this conversation easier? Turn to your partner and talk about what you might say. After a few minutes bring the group back, and ask how that went for people. Keep it minimal. Maybe ask for a word or two describing how that went. Remind the group to follow key rules: Listen Don’t judge, laugh, dismiss the conversation Keep your friend talking, don’t rush. It was very hard for your friend to have this conversation with you. Offer to take them to a doctor or mental health professional
Local Wisconsin Resources Numerous mental health providers are available for adults, youth and families (see Resource Guide) In a crisis: Call 911 For more FREE resources and information contact Sometimes it can feel very overwhelming to someone who has a mental illness to know what steps to take in order to seek the help they need. The local Make it Ok advisory group was able to connect with local resources to come up with some key local contacts you can share with those who might be struggling with mental illness. Most of these organizations provide triage services so they will be able to help direct a person to the services they need. We have provided a card with all the names and numbers of these organizations. These obviously aren’t the only options available in Washington County, but they are a good starting point.
Local Washington County Resources For adults, children and families: Family Means Canvas Health For youth specific needs: Youth Service Bureau Lakes Area Youth Service Bureau In a crisis: Call 911 or Call Canvas Health’s Crisis Connection Sometimes it can feel very overwhelming to someone who has a mental illness to know what steps to take in order to seek the help they need. The local Make it Ok advisory group was able to connect with local resources to come up with some key local contacts you can share with those who might be struggling with mental illness. Most of these organizations provide triage services so they will be able to help direct a person to the services they need. We have provided a card with all the names and numbers of these organizations. These obviously aren’t the only options available in Washington County, but they are a good starting point.
How do we Make It OK? Talk openly about mental illnesses Pledge to be stigma free Refer people to NAMI Understand local resources Become a Make It OK Ambassador and participate in future events Its never too late and never too early to get help for a mental illness! Again I would like to say that the biggest thing we can do is to start talking more openly about mental illnesses. When we do this, we realize that mental illnesses are more common and relatable than we think. We break down the stereotypes and stigma surrounding mental illnesses. And more importantly, people experiencing mental illnesses will be treated with respect, acceptance and be more apt to get the care they need. Try sharing your story if you experience a mental illness, or if a loved one has. Another great resource for mental illnesses, is NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness.) NAMI has education classes, support groups and an collection of resources to help you and your loved ones get the information and care you need. You can also help show your support for mental health awareness at their annual walk. And lastly, we encourage you to take the Make It OK pledge. The pledge encourages people to stop the silence around mental illness- by taking the pledge you can share that message with your family and friends. To do so, or to learn more tips about talking about mental illnesses, visit Many organizations print out this pledge and hang it on a wall or in their cube to show others that this is a safe space to talk about mental illness.
Take Action What will you do to Make It OK? Interactive Participation Create your own with a white board or simply just popcorn style the answers for this question Contact Julia Johnson at Julia.a.Johnson@Lakeview.Org if you’re interested in using Poll Everywhere