Effective Persuasion Involve your audience Present information clearly Establish and maintain your credibility Motivate the audience to action
Involve your Audience 1 Involve the audience in a relevant problem or question. Consider the audience’s needs, concerns, interests. Frame the problem from the audience’s point of view. Appeal to their self-interest: WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME? Establish common ground. Demonstrate respect for your audience.
Present Information Clearly 2 Make your purpose clear. Use sound reasoning. Follow a clear structure. Clearly identify a course of action. Include all necessary information. Avoid irrelevant detail. Anticipate audience questions.
Establish and Maintain Your Credibility 3 Show a thorough grasp of the issues. Make sure information is accurate. Don’t undercut your credibility – speak with authority! Let your commitment SHOW!
Motivate your Audience to Action 4 Demonstrate benefits to the audience – WIFM. Clearly outline the action you want them to take. Demonstrate how to take action. Give them a specific “first step” to follow.