Interrogating Sources Philip Arkinstall Curriculum Leader for History and Government & Politics, Hardenhuish School
Layers of Inference Stage 3: A/A* Overall message and all below Stage 2: B grade developed reasoning. Why does it show/say this? Stage 1: Describing the source. C/D grade level of understanding.
Why might this be in the picture (what does this suggest?) Origin: (when was it created and by who?) What impact does this have? Purpose: Why was it created? Why might this be in the picture (what does this suggest?) What can you see? Value: What can it tell us about the period studied? Limitation: Why might this source not be good at telling us about the past?
Verbal Rehearsal Step 1 – Teach a topic Step 2 – For homework write an answer to a series of points (i.e. plan an essay answer) Step 3 – In two conduct an interview where the interviewer’s job is to push the other person into discussing more information Step 4 – Swap roles and share with the class examples Step 5 – Write your essay
Year 8 and Year 9 Year 8 English Civil War Year 9 Appeasement Assessment – Why did the English Civil War start in 1649? Two tests – one verbally argued and the second did not Year 9 Appeasement Mini source exercise Building resilience to challenge a statement
Why did the English Civil War Start? Using a talking frame Devising the words to use Writing your assessment
Roles As talker just use your homework to explain why the civil war started. As interviewer ask questions that will help keep the talker on track Keep a record of words or phrases that were used
Was Appeasement the right thing to do? Who was this man and why did the world look to him? Recall the events leading up to 1939 Read and interpret a range of sources on appeasement See how far you agree with your original opinion
What do historians think of appeasement? AJP Taylor’s view (video)
Two interpretations emerge Chamberlain was foolish and misunderstood Hitler Chamberlain was no fool! It’s easy to look back and criticise but he was in a difficult position
Sources Sort the sources into the following four headings and then assess each in terms of Origin, Author, Purpose Groups to sort in to: Personality of Chamberlain Concern for the Empire Sleeping super powers Playing for time QUESTIONS TO THINK ABOUT: How much does hindsight (knowledge of future events) play on a source? Challenge: Rank each source in terms of its reliability (1=not very, 5 = very)
What is your opinion on Chamberlain and appeasement? E.g. Neville Chamberlain was… My opinion on the policy of appeasement has stayed the same/changed because… Evidence to support my view comes from a XXX source, which says…. The reason it has convinced me is because… Using sources as evidence answer the question as a paragraph Words to consider: Foolish, heroic, outstanding, ridiculous,
You can find the resources here @tweed_teacher