Professional Journey File Section 1 Associate Teacher Information
What is the PJF? The PJF is a document that will support any AT in his or her Journey through the Programme. It records; placements, compliance, experiences, assessment, development in teaching skills subject knowledge auditing
This first section of the file should contain the following: GTTR Form (if this is available) Acceptance letter Associate Teacher Profile (which should have been send to ITE Admin) Pre Programme Self-audit against the Teachers’ Standards Compliance log Experiences gained
Associate Teacher Profile The AT Profile is sent out at the beginning of any Programme. ATs are asked to return these as soon as possible. On Undergraduate Programmes these will be updated each year to show new experiences gained, changes in personal circumstances etc.
Pre-Programme Self-Audit against the Teachers’ Standards. (Pages 4,5,6) Purpose of this audit: Beginning dialogue between AT and PAT, Mentor, ULT Focusses on initial experiences, development and subsequent training plan. What does the AT need to do? AT reflects on the following in relation to each of the Teachers’ Standards in the table interview process, any recommendations, conditions and/or interview targets he or she may have received, and experience of learning and teaching to date, For further guidance as to what the Standard is ‘looking for,’ relevant page numbers within the PJF are provided.
Pre-Programme Self-Audit against the Teachers’ Standards Pre-Programme Self-Audit against the Teachers’ Standards. (Page 6) The final section is completed with the PAT /mentor Here strengths on entering the Programme are identified. For example the AT may have had considerable experience coaching lacrosse and can identify his/her strengths in relation to teaching, within this experience. Following discussion of the self audit with PAT / Mentor, initial targets are set. It is useful to link these to the relevant Standard / sub Standard.
Compliance Log (Pages 7 and 8) ATs are responsible for completing this record on a daily basis ATs must update and load / re-upload to Abyasa the Compliance Log prior to each SBL Review Point and keep a hard copy in the Teaching File It is a national requirement that ATs must complete a minimum of 120 days in school – therefore the recoding MUST be accurate. This MUST be signed by the mentor. ATs also need to spend 5 days in the Key Stage before the one they are training to teach in and 5 days in the Key Stage after. For example, Primary PGCE ATs will have a placement in KS1 and KS2. It is important that during SBL B that the AT gains experience of teaching in the 'missing' KS2 age phase. For example the SBL A was KS1, and SBL B KS2 Yr6 – the AT then needs to spend a minimum of 5 in Yr3 or 4, normally teaching groups.
Experience Log (Pages 9,10,11) Hard copy ATs need to gain as many additional experiences as possible during each placement in order to develop a broader understanding of the nature of schools/settings. ATs should have access to the Safeguarding Policy from the outset of each placement, so that they are aware of how the school approaches safeguarding and the wellbeing of children AND ATs need to be aware of/introduced to who the Designated Safeguarding Officer is, should a disclosure be made or a concern be noted. ATs complete this Experience Log during their School-based Learning and activities can be completed in any order. ATs complete a new document for each period of School-based Learning. School Policies: It may not be possible to have copies of all school policies but ATs need familiarise themselves with them. Guidance is to read thoroughly and identify key points, noting specifically how that policy impacts on the role of the AT in school
Experience Log (Pages 9,10,11) When completing all sections ATs must: Identify the nature of the Professional Development – what is it and what is the focus. For example: Staff meeting: moderation of writing. Clearly identify the significant points or experiences that you gain from the development activity, ATs should identify clearly identify how what has been experienced / learned will impact on practice.
Please remember this some parts of the PJF are to be kept in hard copy, others are both in hard copy and e-copy. Guidance is provided at the top of each document within each section.