Prepared for Children?? Factors determining personal preparedness for children
Do you think they are prepared for parenthood? Why? Or why not? Biologically the best age to become pregnant is 20-35
Do you think this couple is prepared for parenthood? Why? Or why not? Strong social support is essential when parenting.
Is this person ready for parenthood? Why or why not? You need to be emotionally stable and fit to care for a child.
Do you think this family is prepared for parenthood? Why or Why not? Financially this family has a home and looks like they will be able to provide for the child's needs.
Do you think this person is prepared for parenthood? Education is important to have to become a parent. Why?
Personal Preparedness Factors to consider in determining personal preparedness for parenthood are? Biological? Social? Emotional? Financial? Educational?
You are a parent of an adolescent You are a parent of an adolescent. You have enjoyed a nice career as a nurse for the infant and children unit in the hospital. Now it is time that your child starts dating and came to you and told you how much she loved little children and how much she wanted one right now. Please write her a letter in which you explain to her how important to her it is to be prepared for parenthood. In your letter, please be sure to explain at least 5 of the following words or phrases: demands and rewards of parenting, financial preparedness, biological preparedness, social preparedness, emotional preparedness, educational preparedness, responsibility of a parent.