J. Cofala Z. Klimont CIAM/IIASA Data on Emission Control Options for Integrated Assessment of Air Pollution User’s perspective
Role of EGTEI Collect information on control options and their costs at a detailed enough level to be acceptable and transparent for national experts Present it in a user-friendly way Agree on aggregation to the level suitable for integrated assessment models like RAINS Develop rules and a tool for data aggregating Review data collected
Role of EGTEI Focus on priority sectors as needed for IAM !!! EGTEI does not need to: Collect data on each plant in each country Calculate emissions of pollutants Analyze scenarios of emissions reduction
Priority sectors NMVOC emission sources covered by the Solvent Directive Paint use Industrial processes (stress on PM controls) Small boilers in the residential and commercial sector (PM from wood combustion) Off-road sector Industrial combustion
Tasks for priority sectors Link each sector to the NFR nomenclature Select activity indicator Select a list of representative reference installations (RI) Select for each RI a list of representative control technologies (CT) Describe the RI Estimate parameters for each CT, including uncertainty ranges Provide data on applicability and application rate of each CT in a given country in the base year (2000) and the rates up to 2020
Description of RI Capacity, lifetime, plant factor EU pollution control legislation Energy/product flows Type of emission controls assumed to be already included in the installation Parameters used for calculating the emission factors for the RI
Parameters for control technologies Abated emission factor or abatement efficiency Cost parameters (in base year prices -2000) Capital investments Operating and maintenance Fixed (as percentage of investments per year) Variable (depending on the actual utilization of the plant) Applicability values
Parameters for variable costs Depend on type of measure (technology), e.g.: Add-on controls on energy-related emissions Labor demand, extra energy use, sorbent demand, catalyst demand, waste disposal Measures depending on fuel switching and energy efficiency: Labor demand, substitution ratio (GJ “new” fuel/GJ fuel replaced), Fuel saved, change in the consumption of electricity and other materials Measures in transport depending on switch to a different transport mode need different parameters!!!
Types of parameters Common EGTEI needs to agree which parameters should be treated as common for all countries and propose values based on national inputs Country-specific Default values can be modified by national experts
Conclusions Background documents fulfill many of those requirements but: Changes/extensions needed For each sector decisions need to be made which parameters are country-specific Software tool needs to be flexible to handle differences in approach to different sectors and control options Because of resource and time constraints, focus on priority sectors