Beaver Ridge Restoration
The “control” treatment, showing indication of untreated forest.
Fuel and vegetation were quantified on all plots prior to treatment.
“Slashing” for some of the treatments involved cutting small subalpine fir trees to create additional fuel.
This area was cut and will be burned.
This area was cut but will not be burned. It will be treatment planted.
In some areas, openings were created to attract caching by Clark’s nutcracker.
Fire management specialist ignited 7 fires using torches by hand and from trucks.
Over much of the area fire burned with low intensity and only in patches.
Some places burned with surface fires.
Surface fires can kill trees by heating bole roots and foliage.
As planned, some living subalpine trees ”torched”.
Fires burning in the crowns of trees kill them, as planned.
The goal for burned treatments was to kill subalpine fir (burning) and favor whitebark pine (foreground, surviving).