Learning Objective (DBQ’s) Through analyzing and evaluating primary and secondary sources students will understand how to correctly answer Document Based Question assignments as well as complete a clear summative essay. RH.6 -8.1 – Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources
Essential/Focus Questions What is a DBQ assignment? How do you properly analyze and answer a DBQ? Why are DBQ’s important in analyzing historical events?
Vocabulary – what is a DBQ? DBQ – Document Based Questions An assignment consisting of analyzing a multitude of various primary and secondary sources that cover one specific topic, theme or issue. Once the sources are thoroughly analyzed it is the readers job to create a well-written essay that addresses those documents from various points of views using them (citing) as evidence (proof) within the essay.
DBQ’s - continued Keep in mind that some of the best and most informative DBQ’s usually contain only primary sources. However , often you will see that most DBQ’s will feature a combination of both primary and secondary documents.
What is a DBQ? (continued) The documents that you analyze within a DBQ can be presented in forms of various primary and secondary sources such as: - Letters/Speeches/Diary Entries - Photographs, paintings - Historical documents - First-hand accounts - Political Cartoons - Advertisements - Secondary sources such as: maps, charts, graphs and timelines
Motivation – Quick Write Whether you have or have not had experience with completing a DBQ please think about what would be the ideal way to approach and answer this type of an assignment? Please list the steps that should follow – beginning and an end. Hint: Think about the way you would approach a word problem in math and apply a similar theory.
Introduction to New Material The skills that you would be using in order to answer a DBQ will be as follows: Interpret, analyze, synthesize and evaluate information Think critically about the topic or theme Make comparisons and analogies Apply what you already know to new information Examine issues from various points of view (you will be asked to argue both sides) Draw conclusions - take a stand, persuade, convince based on all that you have been given
Introduction to New Material So we can say that a DBQ is the analysis of bunch of documents pertaining to a specific topic and having a common theme concluded by an essay: D1 + D2 + D3 + D4 + D5 + etc. = ESSAY The answers you give from analyzing these documents will be presented in a form of a well-written, informative essay – that is your final and complete answer!
Best Steps to Take: You must first read the historical background (context), task and instructions. You have to carefully think about the topic and see if there is any prior knowledge you can draw from before you begin. Scan over all of the documents and see how many you must answer (timing is of essence *). Begin answering the documents one by one by reading the question first as well as the background (context and/or source) and then go back to the document for further analysis.
Best Steps to Take continued: 5) Make sure you answer each document as thoroughly as possible and write down your answer. 6) Evaluate which side of the issue the topic presents and see which documents (evidence) will support that. You may have to do the opposite as well. (7th and 8th) 7) Begin thinking about a well thought-out outline of your essay. Keep in mind your essay must have a proper introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion. Your essay must show evidence of incorporating and citing the documents that you have evaluated. It doesn’t matter how long the essay is as long it thoroughly answers the questions and uses as many documents as possible! Use the graphic organizer (Integration of Documents) as an easy tool!
How do we tackle the Questions for Answering the Documents? Documents will have 2 questions to answer: The1st question will ask you to make a claim – state the position of what the document is showing – not your position. The 2nd question will ask you for evidence to back or support that position. Sometimes the order of these questions can be reversed – meaning you may have to show evidence first and then state a claim.
How do we tackle the Questions for Answering the Documents? Don’t forget to highlight, underline, circle, mark, etc. – whatever you need to do to focus on the most important evidence in answering your documents. If the document appears difficult or challenging, go on to the next document and then come back to it later. Focus on what you do know, rather than dwelling on what you don’t. You’re bound to figure it out one way or another because you will understand the overall topic ☺
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