Forest Glen Retail Survey Sunday, October 18, 2015
241 Total Responses Date Created: Sunday, October 11, 2015 Complete Responses: 241
Q1: Do you live in Forest Glen West (Metro side) or Forest Glen East (Holy Cross side)? Answered: 240 Skipped: 1
Q1: Do you live in Forest Glen West (Metro side) or Forest Glen East (Holy Cross side)? Answered: 240 Skipped: 1
Q2: If built, which retail would you use most at the Forest Glen Parking lot (select all that apply) Answered: 240 Skipped: 1
Q2: If built, which retail would you use most at the Forest Glen Parking lot (select all that apply) Answered: 240 Skipped: 1
Q3: If pedestrian and bike access was improved at Georgia Ave and Forest Glen Rd. - how would you access any proposed retail? Answered: 241 Skipped: 0
Q3: If pedestrian and bike access was improved at Georgia Ave and Forest Glen Rd. - how would you access any proposed retail? Answered: 241 Skipped: 0
Q4: How do you feel about retail options at the Forest Glen Metro parking lot? Answered: 241 Skipped: 0
Q4: How do you feel about retail options at the Forest Glen Metro parking lot? Answered: 241 Skipped: 0