Section Title Stand Up Kid School Assembly
Time to Change Time to Change is England's most ambitious programme to end the stigma and discrimination faced by people with mental health problems.
Stigma and Discrimination A definition of stigma: The experience of shame or disgrace that sets people apart and identifies them as being different or undesirable A definition of discrimination: Less favourable treatment of people, which might include being less able to access opportunities and resources Time to Change Children and Young People’s programme development Summary of research and Insights 2012
? ? It’s Time to Talk Everyone has mental health and physical health. Anyone can develop a mental health problem. Full recovery is possible, particularly if help is sought early. It’s time to talk about mental health. ? ? Discuss with the person next to you; What are 2 small things which might make a big difference to someone going through a tough time
Play Stand Up Kid film (
? ? The Stand Up Kid What message do you take from this film? Discuss with the person next to you: What are 2 small things which might make a big difference to someone going through a tough time? What message do you take from this film? How might the teachers and students have responded to Michael’s return in a more welcoming way?
Mental health affects us all That's why starting a conversation about mental health is important. It helps people to know they're not alone, it can strengthen relationships between friends, family and peers. #TimetoTalk Find out more at ? ?
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