Young people’s sexual health and emotional wellbeing services are moving....
Croft Street Centre 18 Croft Street Dalkeith From 1st October 2018 the sexual health service (Healthy Respect + drop-in) at MYPAS will move to: Croft Street Centre 18 Croft Street Dalkeith (opposite Morrisons supermarket)
Tuesday 4pm to 7.30pm and Friday 1pm to 4pm Same service, same NHS Lothian nurses, different place. Tuesday 4pm to 7.30pm and Friday 1pm to 4pm Free, confidential and young person friendly service offering full range of contraception including emergency contraception advice, support and information on sexual health, relationships and emotional wellbeing testing and treatment for all sexually transmitted infections (STIs) free condoms (c:card) and free pregnancy testing referral for abortion LGBT friendly
Something on your mind? You can talk to us. Tuesday 4pm to 7.30pm and Friday 1pm to 4pm Croft Street Centre, Dalkeith (opposite Morrisons)
Newbattle High School Monday 3.30-5.30 Lasswade High School Young people ages 12-21 can also visit one of our Health and Wellbeing drop-ins at Newbattle High School Monday 3.30-5.30 and Lasswade High School Thursday 3.30-5.30
For advice, information and support with sexual health and relationships mental health and emotional wellbeing drugs/alcohol c:card (free condoms) pregnancy testing postal testing kits for STIs
Don’t worry. Just ask.