Technical Committee Hamid Vakilzadian Region 4 Technical Committee Chair Region Meeting, San Francisco, CA Aug 18-19-2011
Members of Technical Committee Chair: Hamid Vakilzadian East Area: Subra Ganesan Central Area: Paul Tindal West Area: Chris Felton Chapters Coordinator: Steve Kerchberger Sections’ Technical Chair 2/25/2019
Responsibilities Support Sections and Chapters on Technical Activities Promote basic and applied R&D in the chapters Provide a forum for exchanging ideas among Researchers and engineers Facilitate scientific publications and events at Region level such as special conference sessions, workshops, symposia, and special journal issues 25-Feb-19
Responsibilities (cont.) Help less active sections and chapters on technical activities Help for organization of R4 conferences Help in membership rejuvenation of sections by organizing technical seminars and presentations
Support Sections/Chapters on Technical Activities Organizing technical programs Finding speakers from sections or regions Updating distinguished lecturer program Exploring society and R4 funding possibilities 25-Feb-19
Help Less Active Sections and Chapters on Tech activities Review Sections/Chapters technical activities for number of meetings, attendance level, reports, number of volunteers, etc. Suggest speakers from sections/regions, if needed Look for sources of funding from R4 and society Provide program assistance Visit Section/Chapter and provide guidance and tools 25-Feb-19
Coordinate Organization of R4 Conferences Help for finding conference sponsors Provide information and organization support Coordinate conf. activities with other R4 activity chairs Help sections in running a conference Provide help for eit conference issues 25-Feb-19
Section Rejuvenation Efforts Help for organization of technical meetings Provide R4 incentive for new chapters Provide R4 incentive for technical projects 25-Feb-19
How to Increase Technical Activities in R4? Organize a day-long or longer technical workshops or tutorial for practicing engineers Determine the technical topic Poll the members Poll industries local to your section Select good speaker(s) Contact me for help, if needed! 25-Feb-19
How to Poll Local Industries? Find list of the companies in your section by Viewing their add in the yellow pages for companies in power, communication, computer, others involving EEs, CEs Poll your local membership Find EE or CE engineers in leadership role from the company website and contact them. For help, please let me know 25-Feb-19
Thank You!