Let’s look at some of the features of the sun!
Sunspots Range in size from 200 miles to many times the size of earth Last from a few hours to six months Galileo measured rotation of the sun as 30 days by using sunspots Sunspots are 5000 degrees Celsius while the rest of the photosphere is 6000 degrees Celsius
The Maunder Minimum was a period of very little solar activity that resulted in a mini ice age.
Sun Cycle There is an 11-year cycle of activity on the sun Reaches peak of sunspots and solar flares, then dies down
Sunspots vs. Year
Convection Currents cause solar activity
Poster Session! Make a diagram showing as many features of the sun as you can, without using your notes Afterwards we will walk around and look at each others drawings. You will have to explain your drawing.
Solar Flares Presentation You may work with up to three other people, but each person must write their own letter. Read page 222 in the textbook as a resource Prepare a speech/presentation to Congress to convince them to fund new satellites to monitor for solar flares Offer other suggestions to help people prepare for solar flares You may use your phone to do research Your letter to congress is due next class!