Conducting broad, identical, user satisfaction surveys prior and after the launch of a new website - Experiences from Statistics Norway’s user satisfaction surveys in 2012 - 2014 Dissemination Working Group 2014 Ragnhild Rein Bore ( Head of web and statbank at Statistics Norway
Some facts about the surveys In 2012 and 2014, user surveys on were conducted aimed at mapping users' satisfaction with
Facts about the survey (cont.) Pop-up survey 24 January-26 February 2012 (19 450 responses – 7500 suggestions) Launched new website on March 1 2013 Almost identical pop-up survey 23 January-25 February 2014 (28 238 responses – 10 455 suggestions)
Why so big? Very useful having lots of improvement suggestions both before the launch and after. Next year – only for as long as it takes to get the sufficient amount of responses?
Why identical? Useful in order to see if we’d reached the goal of having more satisfied users Also – convenient… Next year – might do some changes in order to get more specific answers on prioritised content?
What did we learn? Users are satisfied 86 per cent were satisfied in 2012 86 per cent were satisfied in 2014
However – 83 per cent found what they were looking for in 2012 87 per cent found what they were looking for in 2014 Which begs the question: Why not more satisfied user if more people found what they were looking for?
What we’ve learned? Having user satisfaction surveys is actually worth the effort Big ones is useful in conjunction with major overhauls of a website User satisfaction is no longer our overreaching goal in the running, management and development of our website, but increasing users’ ability to find what they are looking for, is. Especially among prioritised user groups.
What we are wondering? Should we change some of the questions depending on which content we’re prioritising? Should we go smaller? And any other useful input you might have