1 PHY 3903 version 2005 Jean-Francois Mercier x6773 MCD sept.2005 Béla Joós x6755 MCD 131
2 Course Description n Questions contemporaines en physique 2 cr. Discussions d'un choix de sujets et de méthodes en physique contemporaine avec présentations orale et écrite par les étudiants. Introduction à Maple ou Mathematica. Préalable : 12 crédits en physique au niveau n Contemporary Issues in Physics 2 cr. Discussions on contemporary topics and methods in physics, including oral and written presentations. An introduction to Maple or Mathematica. Prerequisite: 12 credits in physics at the 2000-level.
3 Description n Maple –An analytic computation system. n Project ( Review of any subject in physics ) –Written (4 pages PRL format) –Oral presentation n Physics as a profession –Etudes graduées (bourses, conseils …) –Physics resources
4 Evaluation n No EXAM! n Implacable pour le plagiat! n Maple = 50% –5 weeks –5 assignments –Assignments = 50% n Project 40 % –your topic = 5% –PRL format = 20% –seminar = 15% n Physics as a profession 10% –www, main journal, … –Grad. studies –Scholarship Application = 10 %
5 Schedule n Vendredi/Friday 14:30-16:30/16:45 n CUBE 202 (Maple) + MCD 120 (?)
6 MTWTFsS MTWTFsS MTWTFsS MTWTFsS September December October November Maple – Divers – Student Presentations – No class
7 Schedule II DateClassDeadline 9 SeptIntro 16 SeptMaple 1 23 SeptOthersSubject 30 Sept.Maple 2Dev 1 7 Oct.Maple 3Dev 2 14 octobreMaple 4Dev 3 21 octobreNo class 28 octobreMaple 5Dev 4 DateClassDeadline 4 Nov.AutresDev 5 11 Nov.Autres 18 Nov.Student Present. 25 Nov.Student Present. 2 Dec.Student Present. 4 Dec.Scholarship Application CBE 202
8 Project (review of a physics topic) n Topic –Anything in physics –Should be exciting –Need to be precise –Unique ( 1st come 1st serve ) –Needs my approval before September 23 (5%) –Peut être interdisciplinaire –May be helpful to plan for M.Sc.. n Seminar: –10 min + 2 min Q transparencies or PowerPoint –Seminars to take place in the last 3 weeks of semester –Département invité n Texte de 4 pages format PRL (dû la même journée que le séminaire)
9 Physical Review Letters (PRL) n The #1 physics journal in the world n All articles have 4 pages (or less) n Only for the latest, major discoveries n Less than 25% of the manuscripts are accepted for publication n American Physical Society:
10 PRL n from a UofO computer n Print a few examples and/or their instructions n You must present a text with EXACTLY that format n Vous pouvez LaTex (REVtex), Word, etc. n 4 pages max n Une copie électronique pour mon site w3 n Français ou anglais, but well-written
12 Notes: - Figures/tables - Captions - Acknowledgments - References & notes [1-…] - Reference style - SI units - Please, note the existence of paragraphs, as well as.,;: - Spell check Notes: - title - names & addresses - received - abstract - PACS - text [no divisions] does include introduction, methods, results, conclusion - 2 columns - head/foot
13 PLAN: Physics as a profession n 1. M. Sc. & Ph. D. n 2. Industry n 3. Physics Publications n 3. Séminaires n 4. Latex n 5. www n 6. …
14 Maple n Computer lab classes n Get a account!!! n Lecture notes on a web site ( n Assignments due on assignment day, on diskette n Implacable pour le plagiat! n Livre: Heck (optional)
15 Maple n Command the brilliance of a thousand mathematicians … (so they say!) n Harnessing the Power of Mathematics … (so they say!) n Very powerful Mathematical tool – Algebraic calculations, Integrals, Calculus, … n Visualization tools –Make easily pretty graphs (2D, 3D) n Fully programmable (Maplet)
17 PLAN: Maple 9Maple n Getting started ( Chapters 1-4)) n Polynomials ( Chapters 5-7, 14) n Functions ( Chapter 8) n Calculus ( Chapters 9-11, 17) n List, set, array (Chapter 12 ) n Linear Algebra ( Chapters 18, 19) n Solving equations ( Chapter 16) n Graphics ( Chapter 15)
18 Maple Ressources n MAPLE HELP! –New users (Quick and Full tour) –Example worksheets –Basic how to … n Course Manual (Andre Heck) - optional –Agora (~62$) n On the website: –User Manual: (maple_user_manual.pdf) –Learning Guide (maple_getting_started_guide.pdf) –Maple demo (MapleEssentials.zip) –Intro to Maple for Physics students (Physics.zip) n Maple web site: –
19 Maple is a software. The only way to learn it is to USE IT!!!
20 Buying Maple Promotion code: AP4941C CAN $80.00 for students