Lateral oblique projection
Impaction of third molars Mandibular oblique lateral projection In children Sialolith Impaction of third molars
Mandibular oblique lateral projection Body projection Ramus projection
Lateral Oblique 4
Body projection
Self assessment
Inferior border of mandible
Inferior border of mandible
Inferior border of mandible (tube side)
Inferior border of mandible (tube side)
Hyoid bone
Dorsum of tongue
Inferior border of zygomatic arch
Inferior border of zygomatic arch
Posterior wall of zygomatic process of maxilla
Posterior wall of zygomatic process of maxilla
Posterior wall of sinus
Inferior border of orbit
Hard palate
Hard palate
Lateral Oblique 22
Ramus projection
Self assessment
Inferior border of mandible
Inferior border of mandible
Posterior border of ramus
Posterior border of ramus
Angle of mandible
Angle of mandible
Pterygoid fovea
Pterygoid fovea
Sigmoid notch
Sigmoid notch
Median sigmoid depression
Median sigmoid depression
Coronoid process
Coronoid process
Anterior border of ramus
Anterior border of ramus
External oblique ridge
Mandibular foramen
Mandibular foramen
Mandibular foramen
Inferior alveolar canal
Inferior alveolar canal
Dorsum of tongue
Soft palate
Hard palate
Hyoid bone
Glenoid fossa
Glenoid fossa
Articular eminence
Articular eminence
Zygomatic arch
Zygomatic process of maxilla
Posterior wall of maxillary sinus