ALLOWING GOD TO CHOOSE Philippi Bithynia Galatia Troas Mysia Phrygia Asia
ALLOWING GOD TO CHOOSE TO ALLOW GOD TO CHOOSE OUR COURSE IN LIFE WE MUST: HAVE A FULL FAITH IN GOD Heb 10:22 Full conviction is a strength to continue on Rom 4:19-20; Job 13:15 Deep faith accepts what happen to us in life as God’s choice for us Rom 8:28; Psa 16:8 Note Paul’s experience in prison Phil 1:19
ALLOWING GOD TO CHOOSE TO ALLOW GOD TO CHOOSE OUR COURSE IN LIFE WE MUST: HAVE A DEEP COMMITMENT TO DO RIGHT Paul’s example 2Tim 1:11-12 The courage of Esther Esth 4:16 A commitment to do right is a strong ally when tempted to go astray Eph 4:14; Lk 8:13
ALLOWING GOD TO CHOOSE TO ALLOW GOD TO CHOOSE OUR COURSE IN LIFE WE MUST: HAVE A GREAT CONCERN FOR PEOPLE We live in a self-centered world Matt 19:18-19; Lev 19:34; Phil 2:4 Paul’s desire to go to Bithynia rather than Troas turned out better for others - he had not considered Troas (God’s choice) 2Cor 2:12; Acts 20:7; 2Tim 4:13
ALLOWING GOD TO CHOOSE TO ALLOW GOD TO CHOOSE OUR COURSE IN LIFE WE MUST: PRAY WITHOUT CEASING 1Thess 5:17; Lk 18:1 Prayer is an integral part of our life as a Christian Prayer is a very powerful weapon Jas 5:16-18; 1Thess 5:25 Jesus prayed much Matt 14:23; Lk 9:28-30; Matt 26:36 Jesus taught His disciples to pray Matt 6:9 Pray for wisdom to make right choice Jas 1:5-6; 1Cor 2:1-12; 1Tim 4:13-15
ALLOWING GOD TO CHOOSE There are many times when we must take our second choice. But there is one place where only our first choice is possible -- salvation from sin, membership in the church Any other choice is fatal. A second choice (there are only two) at the end of life is a choice that results in eternal separation from God