Jeopardy Review for Unit 2 Quiz 2
Causes of the Great Depression Effects of the Great Depression Culture of the 1920’s Causes of the Great Depression Effects of the Great Depression New Deal Programs Critics of the New Deal random $100 $200 $300 $400 $500
100 Points Question: A fashionable young woman intent on enjoying herself and mocking conventional standards of behavior Answer: Flapper
200 Points Question: This Amendment is responsible for giving women the right to vote Answer: 19th Amendment
300 Points Question: During the 1920’s this amendment banned the production and consumption of alcohol in the US Answer: 18th Amendment (Prohibition)
400 Points Question: This term was used to describe rural communities in the 1920’s that adhered to traditional morals, values and social roles. Answer: Fundamentalism or Fundamentalist
500 Points Question: During the 1920’s this general geographic area tended to be more culturally diverse and modern than the rest of society Answer: Cities
100 Points Question: The easy availability of this was a major cause of the Great Depression Answer: Credit
200 Points Question: A tax imposed on imported goods and services Answer: Tariff
300 Points Question: The idea that the rich had too much money and the poor didn’t have enough. Answer: Unequal distribution of income (the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer)
400 Points Question: These were two different causes of the Dust Bowl Answer: Over production of farm land Drought
500 Points Question: Name 4 different causes of the Great Depression Answer: Easy credit (consumerism) Over production of farm land (Dust Bowl) War debt/tariffs Unequal distribution of income (rich get richer & poor get poorer) No gov’t regulation of banks & business
100 Points Question: This was the result of farms that were over produced combined with little rain and high winds Answer: Dust Bowl
200 Points Question: It is considered a bank ______ if banks have no money left in their vaults to give to their customers Answer: failure
DAILY DOUBLE Question: As a result of homelessness, many Americans moved into shanty towns also know as ______ Answer: Hoovervilles
400 Points Question: A major result of loss of jobs that affected a large percentage of the American population during the Great Depression Answer: Homelessness
500 Points Question: American farmers over produced their farmlands and depleted its nutrients to supply soldiers for this war Answer: World War I
100 Points Question: This program developed resources such as electricity and flood control in the Tennessee Valley Answer: Tennessee Valley Authority
200 Points Question: This program provides pensions for retired people, their spouses and people with disabilities Answer: Social Security
300 Points Question: This New Deal program was directly created in order to aid farmers by regulating production Answer: Agricultural Adjustment Administration
400 Points Question: Name two New Deal Programs that created immediate relief in the form of jobs Answer: Works Progress Administration Civilian Conservation Corps
500 Points Question: Name 5 of the 9 New Deal programs that were discussed in class Answer: Works Progress Administration National Recovery Administration Federal Housing Administration Federal Housing Deposit Insurance Corporation Social Security Civilian Conservation Corps Agricultural Adjustment Administration Tennessee Valley Authority Wagner Act
100 Points Question: True or False: Many people who opposed the New Deal felt that the government was too involved in a free market economy Answer: True
200 Points Question: What groups were treated unequally under the New Deal Programs? Answer: People of Color
300 Points Question: Many people who opposed the New Deal stated that the government was too involved in a ________ economy Answer: Free-market
400 Points Question: Father Coughlin wanted to place control over the nation’s banks into control of the people and out of the private sector. This is known as? Answer: Nationalization of banks
500 Points Question: This man originally supported FDR and the New Deal but eventually wanted the government to do more. He wanted to create the Share Our Wealth program and wanted to run for president. Answer: Huey Long
100 Points Question: This event led the United States to formally entering into World War II. Answer: Pearl Harbor
200 Points Question: What was the name of the cultural, social, and artistic explosion that took place in Harlem, New York, in the 1920’s? Answer: Harlem Renaissance
300 Points Question: Who was the famous bootlegger/ gangster during the Prohibition Era that was discussed in class. Answer: Al Capone
400 Points Question: A shift toward what type of economy pulled Americans out of the Great Depression? Answer: War time economy (WWII)
500 Points Question: What was the name of the radio addresses that President FDR gave to the nation to rebuild the nation’s trust in the American government, as well as build morale? Answer: Fireside Chats