A modern approach to the Turing Test Alex Gutowski CS534 AI Showcase April 23 rd, 2013
Remember the Turing Test?
Turing Test: A test created by Alan Turing in his 1950 paper "Computing Machinery and Intelligence, Loebner Prize, a competition for practical application of the Turing Test Chatterbot Some Chatterbots are actually successful Competition Extensions/Variations on the TT: Hutter Prize Reverse Turing test and CAPTCHA Minimum Intelligent Signal Test Total Turing Test
Angry Birds
The Angry Birds AI Challenge Goal: To build an intelligent Angry Birds playing agent that can play new levels better than the best human players A modern twist to the Turing Test Intended Use: Have a way to mimic human game play so that there is a ranking of how difficult a level is without actually playing it
Components: A basic game playing software, (written in Java, and playable in Google Chrome) A computer vision component: used to identify objects and locations A trajectory component: used to calculate trajectories of shots A game playing interface: executes game actions
Example level through the eyes of the computer vision component:
What AI ideas are required: Computer vision Knowledge representation and reasoning Heuristic search Machine learning Applied planning
2012 Competition The top 3 AI agents: Naive Agent: 526, 590 Birdbrain: 501,200 ABC-IS-course-UNICAL: 492,980 The top 3 Humans: Dengji Zhao: 556,510 Human 2: 545,870 Human 3: 503,450 *Note: This was the score for 10 levels of play and 1 hour of game play time
Results Agent Weaknesses: Could not succeed with birds that required a tap of the screen to cause a 2 nd action Some agents got stuck and could not solve the level at all Different approaches showed different results (hitting pigs directly vs. hitting objects into pigs) The agent was not able to make this decision on its own
Conclusion: Competition is hosted during the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) National Conference on August 6-8, 2013 in Beijing China Still not to late to register for 2013s competition (Ends June 30 th ) Takes the standard Turing Test and adds a modern twist
Works Cited: europe/2013/04/05/angry-birds-used-as-a-test- of-artificial-intelligence/ europe/2013/04/05/angry-birds-used-as-a-test- of-artificial-intelligence/ mpetitionhttp://ijcai13.org/program/angry_birds_ai_co mpetition