To speed up the processing of blood draws: FEATURED TEAM: Laboratory, Anaheim Medical Center Doing blood work in time for morning rounds WHAT THEY DO: To speed up the processing of blood draws: RESULTS: Between August and November 2010, blood work was processed by 9 a.m. 93 percent of the time, up 20 points from when the project started in February 2010. Lab assistants pick up blood specimens on the 6th and 7th floors of the hospital at 6 a.m., rather than having a runner deliver them. Lab assistants drop off specimens every half-hour throughout the day, instead of a runner delivering them. Clinical lab scientists from other lab department help process blood in the morning. Clinical lab scientists start work at 6 a.m. instead of 9 a.m. on the weekends. Read more about the teams work and other successful practices on the Labor Management website,