-------------------------------------------- our learning Reading and Writing Math What is an inference? How do we use this skill in our own reading? How do we know if we’ve written a complete sentence? Purposeful practice: story elements + capitalization Mini Lessons: drawing inferences + rules of capitalization + writing complete sentences + narrative writing Place Value: Number Forms + Comparing Multi-Digit Numbers Quiz Next Week [Review Home on FRI] Science What causes day & night? The Seasons? Moon Phases -------------------------------------------- Related Arts [10:20-11:05] Social Studies How are the four groups of prehistoric Indians the same/different? We will be wrapping up our study of the prehistoric Indians in the next couple weeks. Please be on the lookout for a study guide coming home this Friday. Robinson/Watts Mon: No School Tues: PE/Tech Wed: Art/Music Thurs: Tech./Library Fri: Music/PE -September 5th – 8th -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- homework reminders! Reading Read for 20 minutes Study Vocab Sort Spelling Words Math Nightly Homework Column lunch: R [12:02-12:27] W [12:07-12:32] September 8th T-shirt $$ Due September 7th Progress Reports September 14th Early Dismissal [10:45] September 29th End of Nine Weeks ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------