Movement of Large Amounts of Material Downhill under Gravity


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Presentation transcript:

Movement of Large Amounts of Material Downhill under Gravity Mass Movement Movement of Large Amounts of Material Downhill under Gravity

Types of Mass Movement Slow vs. Fast Wet vs. Dry Cohesive (together) vs. Fragmented (separate pieces)

Types of Mass Wasting Creep Landslide-most destructive Mudflow Slump Avalanche Rockfall

Factors in Mass Wasting Climate Moisture Steep Slopes Weak Rocks Existing Failure Surfaces

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Soil Creep

Soil Creep

Soil Creep, California

Debris Flow, Utah


Landslide Gros Ventre Slide, Wyoming, 1925


Slump- One large area falls (clump)

Bridge of the Gods, Washington

Bridge of the Gods, Washington

Slide Lake, Wyoming

Gros Ventre Slide, Wyoming

Landslide, Pakistan, January 4, 2010

Martian Landslide

Active Landslide on Mars

Active Landslide on Mars

Rockfalls, Yosemite, California

Rockfalls, Yosemite, California

Avalanche Chute, Colorado