E-safety!!! How to be safe on the internet?!!! Tip 1 Tip 4 Tip 2 Tip 5 Tip 3 End E-safety!!! How to be safe on the internet?!!! By: Habiba Ashraf Eldessouky!!! Year: 7 MN
Tip 1: Don’t tell anyone your password even your best friends!!! Title page Tip 2 Tip 3 Tip 4 Tip 5 End Tip 1: Don’t tell anyone your password even your best friends!!! Why? Because, someone could sign in to your email Facebook etc!!! Also because they might say it to other people!!!
Title page Tip 1 Tip 3 Tip 4 Tip 5 End Tip 2: If any thing wrong happens you have to tell an adult or press REPORT ABUSE!!! Why? Because it might continue!!! You can fall in trap! It is not very safe at all!!! Take care!!!
Title page Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 4 Tip 5 End Tip 3: Don’t add someone you don’t know or someone that you haven’t seen before!!! Why? Because it might be someone else not the person you think he or she is!!! Also because they might say bad things to you!!!
Title page Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 3 Tip 5 End Tip 4: Make sure that you log out before you shut down the computer or turn off the screen. Why? Because someone could open the internet on the same computer and he or she could write bad things about you (made up things)!!! They might make any of your photos look silly!!!
Tip 5: Tell an adult before you go online!!! Title page Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 3 Tip 4 End Tip 5: Tell an adult before you go online!!! Why? Because if anything happens they could help you. They stop you from talking with strangers online!
By: habiba eldessouky year:7 MN Thank you for watching my presentation!!! Tip 3 Title page Tip 4 Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 5 By: habiba eldessouky year:7 MN