Survey Results Neil Mclain, Seth Raleigh, Jake Schmitt
New Class Record… 3 responses. Come on people, we can do better than this.
Highlights The next installment from the infamous “rhymenoceros” “I don't have a lot of time, but I'll do my best to rhyme. You guys did really great, and deserve to stay at Super 8. If I download a song, I know I'm doing wrong. I won't tell you I did it, because I don't plan to quit. That didn't sound right, but this rhyme is still tight!“
Which readings helped? C1 - The ABC's of Intellectual Property Protection C2 - Outsourcing and the Global IP "Devaluation" C3 - Wikipedia C7 –Didn’t read anything
Room for Improvement Didn’t take the survey seriously Needed to engage the class Should include candy
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