Supporting Learners Across Settings Sara Collings and Bridget Fleming
RELAX! Let’s get started!
Break the ICE!
Who do we work with? Mild-Moderate Disabilities - High Incidence Moderate-Severe Disabilities- Low Incidence Inclusion classrooms or Special Education classrooms? Great resource! LD Online No two students with disabilities are the same, but provides some great general disability information.
Types of support we provide students are? A) Academic B) Social C) Behavioral D) hold them up so they don’t fall over… E) Academic, social, behavioral
Inclusion Inclusion is? A) a classroom which consists of both students with and without disabilities. B) A magical place where all your dreams come true! C) a separate classroom where academic are taught.
Prompts - valuable teaching tool, use only Prompts - valuable teaching tool, use only when necessary, and fade-fade-fade!!! Physical Light Full Gesture Verbal Full verbal Partial verbal Text
What is the LEAST intrusive type of prompt? A) full verbal B) partial verbal C) light physical D) full physical E) gestural F) textual G) I am super awesome so I can fade any prompt!
What is the MOST DIFFICULT prompt to fade? A) full verbal B) partial verbal C) light physical D) full physical E) gestural F) textual G) I am super awesome so I can fade any prompt!
Prompting Hierarchies Least to Most Most to least
Independence is? A super cool thing we celebrate on July 4th! When a student completes a skill with 0 prompts. When a skill is complete with minimal prompting. When a peer completes a task for a friend.
POP QUIZ! I hope you studied ;)
Classroom Strategies “Help” all students in the inclusion classroom Provide choices Promote/prompt students to respond to the “regular” education teacher Sit in a chair next to the student(s), instead of standing and towering above them! Minimize your reaction to “inappropriate” behaviors
Video Break !! YouTube - Co Teaching Strategies Let’s share! What works for you? How do you approach the classroom environment?
Supporting Social Skills Practice, practice, practice MODEL, MODEL, MODEL! And video modeling Using textual prompts Don’t allow for students to make fun of one another about their disabilities (this goes both ways!) NO HOVERING!!! Promote Independence!! Seek out positive role models
Supporting Academic Learning Direct Instruction & The Learning Center: - Review previous days work/ class work Present new concept/skill Guided student practice Provides structured learning environment Premack principle I do it, We do it, You do it Errorless teaching Pre-teaching difficult tasks Keep the pace- don’t go slow, but ask the right questions! Review concepts frequently!! Premack principle
A quick word about Learning Centers… Three questions to keep in mind: Where are we going? Who needs to practice what? What kinds of activities will allow my students to meaningfully practice/apply information learned? Oh yeah and don’t forget!!! IEP goals w/ curriculum demands!!
Behavioral Support ROUTINES - predictable & structured is good! CONSISTENCY! Minimizing interruption in the classroom. Keep the classroom safe!! Stay tuned for part B!!
Accommodations vs. Modifications? (learning standards unchanged) Instructional Materials Grouping Classroom Management Modifications (content & performance expectations changed) Typically made for students who have severe behavioral and/or intellectual disabilities that gen. ed curriculum expectations are inappropriate Spiraled curriculum Instructional modifications: Teach less content Teach different content
Let’s take a look at some examples… Accomodations Plep A: What does that mean? Student examples Modifications Instructional Modification, middle school science example Elementary example? High school example
A fun note to end on… Inclusion Rocks!!