BBC NEWS SCHOOL REPORT Working with teachers Carla Pickering
Teachers in subject areas English Geography Information technology Citizenship Maths Cross-curricula Media Studies Modern Foreign Languages
The emphasis on discussion as the main learning strategy throughout the project also had a noticeable effect on the quality of written outcomes Jan English, literacy consultant
To sustain citizenship and civil society BBC Charter: To sustain citizenship and civil society It's a good opportunity to expose the pupils to the world of news and to make pupils more confident and interested in the news.
Transferable skills As I spend most of the day editing, the pupils have to take most of the responsibility for running their own news room, prioritising news stories, and even making painful decisions such as which stories to drop!
Students are not just handing their work to a teacher, they are handing it to the world and they are doing that through the BBC. School Report offers an authenticity and realness I've not seen matched. Don Passey, Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University