J. Pavlovic, A. Marotta, B. Ciuffo WLTP 2nd Act May 18th, 2017 Update on correction of test cycle flexibilities J. Pavlovic, A. Marotta, B. Ciuffo WLTP 2nd Act May 18th, 2017
Background JRC applied speed + distance CO2 corrections proposed by TUG on a number of vehicles tested in JRC labs and for a limited number of vehicles on tests done in some OEM and TSs labs; In most cases repeatability and reproducibility of results increased after corrections; In most cases deviations from the target power and distance were very small and corrections only slightly effected the final CO2 result;
Background Last time we showed you CO2 results for 5 vehicles from CO2MPAS simulations for 4 theoretical speed profiles (normal, maximum, minimum, and optimized) in order to evaluate possible effect on CO2 if no corrections were done; Without corrections and using the optimized speed profile savings in CO2 for these tested 5 vehicles can go up to 4.3 g/km; However, it also became obvious that method proposed for corrections shall be further tested with “real” tests done with optimized and rough speed profiles.
Work in progress JRC received data from VW testing of 1 vehicle under normal, high/rough and low/smooth WLTP conditions; We have also received data from JARI (Japan Research Institute) for 9 vehicles tested under normal, smooth, rough/extreme rough WLTP conditions; Speed + distance corrections for these tests were done, but also calculation of driving indexes (in particular RMSSE and IWR) that are already part of WLTP procedure; Japan proposal from the last WLTP IWG meeting (18th) is to set criteria for these DIs as following: RMSSE (Root Mean Squared Speed Error) < +0.8 IWR (Inertial Work Rated) -2.0 ~ +4.0
VW vehicle MT-GASOLINE VW VEHICLE MEASURED SPEED+ DISTANCE CORRECTION POWER (KW) DISTANCE (KM) DRIVING INDEXES RMSSE (km/h) IWR (%) TEST1-NORMAL 121.3 121.0 5.5 23.2925 0.756 1.56% TEST2-HIGH 1 127.2 120.3 6.0 23.5494 1.668 14.82% TEST3-HIGH 2 126.8 120.0 23.5701 1.726 9.92% TEST4-LOW1 113.5 118.1 5.1 23.2101 1.596 -11.13% TEST5-LOW2 114.9 118.6 5.2 23.2664 1.444 -7.94%
JARI vehicle A CVT-GASOLINE-1.4L JARI VEHICLE A MEASURED SPEED+ DISTANCE CORRECTION POWER (KW) DISTANCE (KM) DRIVING INDEXES RMSSE (km/h) IWR (%) TEST 1-NORMAL 132.7 133.1 5.40 23.2774 0.489 0.27% TEST 2-SMOOTH 128.2 129.9 5.39 23.4010 1.027 -7.12% TEST 3-EXTREMELY ROUGH 182.3 179.3 5.38 23.1998 0.977 43.03%
JARI vehicle A Extreme rough
SPEED+DISTANCE CORRECTION JARI vehicle B CVT,GASOLINE, 0.7L JARI - VEHICLE B MEASURED SPEED+DISTANCE CORRECTION POWER (KW) DISTANCE (KM) DRIVING INDEXES RMSSE (km/h) IWR (%) TEST1-NORMAL 117.5 117.6 5.01 23.2131 0.715 1.12% TEST 2-SMOOTH 114.4 115.9 4.98 23.3636 1.180 -6.85% TEST 3-EXTREMELY ROUGH 136.9 135.0 4.96 23.1574 1.166 23.50%
JARI vehicle C MT, GASOLINE, 2.0L JARI - VEHICLE C MEASURED SPEED+ DISTANCE CORRECTION POWER (KW) DISTANCE (KM) DRIVING INDEXES RMSSE (km/h) IWR (%) TEST1-NORMAL 179.5 179.4 6.61 23.2702 0.674 1.91% TEST 2-SMOOTH 177.6 178.1 23.3631 1.135 -7.09% TEST 3-EXTREMELY ROUGH 189.6 185.6 6.76 23.1874 1.011 41.47%
JARI vehicle D CVT,GASOLINE, 1.2L JARI - VEHICLE D MEASURED SPEED+ DISTANCE CORRECTION POWER (KW) DISTANCE (KM) DRIVING INDEXES RMSSE (km/h) IWR (%) TEST1-NORMAL 117.2 117.1 5.00 23.2705 0.470 0.46% TEST 2-SMOOTH 112.0 114.8 4.84 23.2674 1.214 -9.26%
SPEED+DISTANCE CORRECTION JARI vehicle E AT, GASOLINE, 0.7L JARI - VEHICLE E MEASURED SPEED+DISTANCE CORRECTION POWER (KW) DISTANCE (KM) DRIVING INDEXES RMSSE (km/h) IWR (%) TEST1-NORMAL 174.3 180.5 6.71 22.7213 3.757 -10.64% TEST 2-SMOOTH 173.1 181.3 6.70 22.8683 4.051 -16.26% TEST 3-ROUGH 175.1 181.7 6.65 22.7036 3.913 -8.17% Vehicle E could not follow the EH phase, it was in WOT operation. It is visible bellow in table that IWR was extremely high for EH phase. For this vehicle downscaling and capping shall be performed and in that case results will have much more sense. IWR (%) L M H EH Total TEST1-NORMAL 0.842% 0.536% 1.427% -37.697% -10.642% TEST 2-SMOOTH -6.103% -6.301% -6.360% -39.594% -16.259% TEST 3-ROUGH 5.085% 4.664% 4.536% -38.291% -8.167%
JARI vehicle F CVT, GASOLINE, 0.6L JARI - VEHICLE F MEASURED SPEED+ DISTANCE CORRECTION POWER (KW) DISTANCE (KM) DRIVING INDEXES RMSSE (km/h) IWR (%) TEST1-NORMAL 129.5 6.13 23.2909 0.498 0.17% TEST 2-SMOOTH 126.8 128.2 6.12 23.4615 1.272 -4.43% TEST 3-ROUGH 133.4 133.6 6.03 23.2344 0.896 2.98% Vehicle F is a low-powered vehicle (Japanese Kei car) and there was not possible to operate aggressive driving —› low IWR Also power enrichment was often happening during rough driving —› increase in CO2 that could not be corrected with formulas proposed.
JARI vehicle G CVT, GASOLINE, 1.5L JARI - VEHICLE G MEASURED SPEED+ DISTANCE CORRECTION POWER (KW) DISTANCE (KM) DRIVING INDEXES RMSSE (km/h) IWR (%) TEST1-NORMAL 125.5 125.6 5.66 23.2690 0.377 0.65% TEST 2-SMOOTH 121.7 123.0 5.64 23.4861 1.230 -5.69% TEST 3-ROUGH 129.0 5.57 23.2632 0.781 2.59%
JARI vehicle H MT, GASOLINE, 2.0L JARI - VEHICLE H MEASURED SPEED+ DISTANCE CORRECTION POWER (KW) DISTANCE (KM) DRIVING INDEXES RMSSE (km/h) IWR (%) TEST1-NORMAL 307.8 306.7 12.22 23.2977 0.558 2.26% TEST 2-SMOOTH 301.2 301.8 12.32 23.5345 1.226 -2.78% TEST 3-ROUGH 309.4 308.0 12.18 23.2386 0.874 4.73%
JARI vehicle I MT, DIESEL , 3.0L JARI - VEHICLE I MEASURED SPEED+ DISTANCE CORRECTION POWER (KW) DISTANCE (KM) DRIVING INDEXES RMSSE (km/h) IWR (%) TEST1-NORMAL 283.4 282.4 12.94 23.2643 0.437 0.31% TEST 2-SMOOTH 280.4 282.9 12.86 23.4648 1.195 -4.75% TEST 3-ROUGH 286.5 284.9 12.92 23.2618 0.787 2.61%
Conclusions It is evident that in most cases DIs detected the extreme (smooth and rough) tests; When corrections were performed for these tests, results improved, but for many vehicles were far from “normal” test results, especially in the cases of “rough” driving; Possible approach would be to use DIs to eliminate extreme tests and correction to apply only on tests where DIs were within the agreed threshold limits; Threshold values can be further discussed within the group and JRC will further evaluate the limits.