Foreign Policy Basics
Development of US Foreign Policy
Foreign Policy Goals
Foreign Policy Tools
Implementing Foreign Policy
International Organizations
Foreign Policy Tools Foreign Policy Basics Development of Foreign Policy Foreign Policy Goals Implementing Foreign Policy International Organizations $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 Round One should contain one “Daily Double” question. To insert the “Daily Double Screen”, follow these steps: 1. Select the desired button on this slide by clicking on it. Click on SLIDE SHOW ACTION SETTINGS Make a note of which slide the HYPERLINK is currently set to. In the “Action Settings” dialogue box, change the HYPERLINK to “Daily Double Round 1”. Click OK 6. Now go to Slide “Daily Double Round 1” in this presentation, and follow the directions in the “Notes” section $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
A nations plan for dealing with foreign nations is called what? 1-100 1 - 100 A nations plan for dealing with foreign nations is called what? $100
1-100A 1 - 100 What is Foreign Policy? $100
An agreement between two countries, often to keep peace is called 1-200 An agreement between two countries, often to keep peace is called what? $200
1-200A 1 - 100 What is a treaty? $200
This cabinet department is in charge of foreign relations. 1-300 This cabinet department is in charge of foreign relations. $300
What is the State Department? 1 - 100 What is the State Department? $300
1-400 This is a tariff. $400
1-400A 1 - 100 What is a tax on imports? $400
An agreement between two or more countries to protect 1-500 An agreement between two or more countries to protect each other in case of attack. $500
1-500A 1 - 100 What is an alliance? $500
The two countries involved in the Cold War. 2-100 1 - 100 The two countries involved in the Cold War. $100
What are the US and the Soviet Union? 1 - 100 What are the US and the Soviet Union? $100
this foreign policy in Vietnam and Korea. 2-200 The fear of the spread of communism led the US to follow this foreign policy in Vietnam and Korea. $200
2-200A 1 - 100 What is containment? $200
country that stays out of foreign affairs. 2-300 The US stayed out of foreign wars early in its history. A country that stays out of foreign affairs. $300
What is an isolationist country? 1 - 100 What is an isolationist country? $300
This historical event signalled the end of the Cold War. 2-400 This historical event signalled the end of the Cold War. $400
What is the fall of the Berlin Wall? 1 - 100 What is the fall of the Berlin Wall? $400
This is why the US entered WWI and WWII. 2-500 This is why the US entered WWI and WWII. $500
What is attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor and the 1 - 100 What is attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor and the attacking of ships by the Germans.? $500
Sending food to Somalia. 3-100 1 - 100 Sending food to Somalia. $100
What is concern for humanity? 1 - 100 What is concern for humanity? $100
NAFTA is signed by the leaders of the US, Canada and Mexico. 3-200 NAFTA is signed by the leaders of the US, Canada and Mexico. $200
What is free and open trade? 1 - 100 What is free and open trade? $200
3-300 Invading Iraq. $300
What are democratic governments and world peace? 1 - 100 What are democratic governments and world peace? $300
These are the 5 foreign policy goals of the United States. 3-400 These are the 5 foreign policy goals of the United States. $400
What are concern for humanity, democratic governments, free 1 - 100 What are concern for humanity, democratic governments, free and open trade, national security and world peace? $400
Joining the United Nations. 3-500 Joining the United Nations. $500
3-500A 1 - 100 What is world peace? $500
Sending money and food are examples of this tool. 4-100 1 - 100 Sending money and food are examples of this tool. $100
4-100A 1 - 100 What is foreign aid? $100
The embargo on Cuba is an example of this foreign policy tool. 4-200 The embargo on Cuba is an example of this foreign policy tool. $200
What is an economic sanction? 1 - 100 What is an economic sanction? $200
decisions with several 4-300 Making foreign policy decisions with several other countries. $300
What is a multilateral decision? 1 - 100 What is a multilateral decision? $300
This is an alliance the US has entered into. 4-400 This is an alliance the US has entered into. $400
What are the UN, NATO, NAFTA etc.? 1 - 100 What are the UN, NATO, NAFTA etc.? $400
types of foreign policy 4-500 These are the 4 major types of foreign policy tools. $500
What are alliances, military force, foreign aid, economic sanctions? 1 - 100 What are alliances, military force, foreign aid, economic sanctions? $500
Identify 2 foreign policy powers of Congress. 5-100 1 - 100 Identify 2 foreign policy powers of Congress. $100
What are declare war, confirm ambassadors, ratify treaties and 1 - 100 What are declare war, confirm ambassadors, ratify treaties and pass laws for spending money. $100
Identify 2 foreign policy powers of the President. 5-200 Identify 2 foreign policy powers of the President. $200
Commit troops, appoint ambassadors, carry on foreign relations, make 1 - 100 Commit troops, appoint ambassadors, carry on foreign relations, make executive agreements and negotiate treaties. $200
This is the branch of government that is responsible for 5-300 This is the branch of government that is responsible for implementing foreign policy. $300
What is the executive branch? 1 - 100 What is the executive branch? $300
Identify the group that advises the President on foreign 5-400 Identify the group that advises the President on foreign policy issues. $400
What is the National Security Council? 1 - 100 What is the National Security Council? $400
Identify the cabinet department that becomes involved with 5-500 Identify the cabinet department that becomes involved with foreign policy when negotiation is not possible. $500
What is the Department of Defense? 1 - 100 What is the Department of Defense? $500
This organization provides disaster relief. 6-100 1 - 100 This organization provides disaster relief. $100
What is the International Red Cross? 1 - 100 What is the International Red Cross? $100
This is an agreement among the US, Mexico and Canada 6-200 This is an agreement among the US, Mexico and Canada to lower tariffs and increase trade. $200
What is the North American Free Trade Agreement? 1 - 100 What is the North American Free Trade Agreement? $200
This organization promotes monetary cooperation and gives 6-300 This organization promotes monetary cooperation and gives emergency loans. $300
What is the International Monetary Fund? 1 - 100 What is the International Monetary Fund? $300
This organization has a security council which can veto the 6-400 This organization has a security council which can veto the use of military force that all other countries agree to. $400
What is the United Nations? 1 - 100 What is the United Nations? $400
This organization was created to provide mutual defense 6-500 This organization was created to provide mutual defense against the Soviet Union. $500
What is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization? 1 - 100 What is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization? $500
Final Jeopardy National Security Council
Identify at least 5 members of the National Security Council.
Contestants: Please put down your writing tools and wait for further instructions.
President, Vice-President, Secretary of State, Secretary of Commerce, Director of CIA, National Security Advisor, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
That's all for today.