Test Taking Lecture 5 The Essay Test
Strategies for Handling the Essay Test Read the question carefully. Look for & circle key direction words. SAMPLE ESSAY PROMPT: List the steps necessary to make a peanut butter & jelly sandwich. Then describe each step. Define Give an example List Explain Evaluate Discuss Describe Summarize Compare Contrast
Other Essay Exam Tips: Make notes of ideas in the margin of the exam. Re-state the question in the first sentence of your essay. EXAMPLE: ESSAY QUESTION: What were the causes of the Civil War? START OF YOUR ESSAY: The causes of the Civil War were… Answer ALL parts of the essay question. Be specific and concise in your answer…say what you need to say but with the fewest words necessary to get your point across.
Continuation of Essay Exam Tips… Use a pen… easier on instructor’s eyes. Write on one side of the page. Use transition words to connect all parts of the question. What are some examples of transition words? In addition, Furthermore, Secondly, Finally, Subsequently, Next, Moreover, However, In contrast, Transition words are like road signs that tell the reader where your essay is heading!
Ways to Organize Your Essay: Before you ever start writing your actual essay, you need to spend some time PLANNING it. Making an outline is one of the most popular ways to plan an answer to an essay question. A typical 5-paragraph essay outline might look like this: Introduction/Thesis Statement First main idea that supports thesis A. supporting details B. supporting details III. Second main idea that supports thesis IV. Third main idea that supports thesis V. Conclusion/Summary
Sample Essay Outline: Sources of Stress ESSAY QUESTION: Describe the major contributions to stress in people’s lives and the effects that stress has on people. Sources of Stress A. Major life stressors (changes in life events) 1. Social Readjustment Rating Scale-SRRS a. measures intensity of change 2. Life Experiences Survey--LES 3. Measurement problems B. Little Hassles 1. Daily frustrations affect your health C. Catastrophic Events 1. 5 stages of response to disaster D. Societal and Environmental Problems
Another Way to Organize Same Essay: Mind Mapping intensity SRRS Supporting details go in these circles. Major Life Stressors 4 main points go in this next level of circles. LES measurement problems Little Hassles Sources of Stress Daily frustra- tions Main topic goes in center circle. Catastrophic Events Societal and Environmental Problems 5 stages of response
Characteristics of a GOOD Essay Response Thesis statement clearly restates the essay question. Each part asked for in the essay question is covered. Supporting points are specific, well-chosen, & well-developed. Transitions show clear relationships between ideas. Characteristics of a POOR Essay Response Not focused Not organized Not complete Not well-developed