4 Part Organization Concept Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occasion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. 20 pt Text Summary Heading. Text. 20 pt Text 20 pt Text 20 pt Text 20 pt Text
4 Part Process 18 Point Text Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occasion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. 18 Point Text Summary Heading. Text.
4 Part Process or Flow Your Text Your Text Your Text Your Text Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occasion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. Your Text Your Text Your Text Summary Heading. Text. Your Text
4 Part Diamond Concept 24 Point Title or Heading Here Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occasion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. 24 Point Title or Heading Here 20 Point Text Here on Diagonal 20 Point Text Here on Diagonal Summary Heading. Text. 20 Point Text Here on Diagonal 20 Point Text Here on Diagonal
4 Part Concept Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occasion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here Summary Heading. Text.
4 Part Flow Chart Your Text Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occasion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. Your Text Summary Heading. Text.
4 Step Process 20 Point Heading 18 Point Text Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occasion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. 20 Point Heading 18 Point Text Summary Heading. Text.
4 Part Concept 24 Point Title Here 18 Point Text 18 Point Text Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occasion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. 18 Point Text 24 Point Title Here 18 Point Text Summary Heading. Text. 18 Point Text 18 Point Text
Text 4 Part Centered Concept Text Text Text Text Speaker Notes Use this space for overall notes and general comments. Simply select this text and replace it with your own comments. Text Summary Heading. Text. Text Text
4 Part Centered Concept 28 pt text 28 pt text 28 Point Title Speaker Notes Use this space for overall notes and general comments. Simply select this text and replace it with your own comments. Summary Heading. Text. 28 pt text 28 pt text
4 Step Process 24 Pt Text 24 Pt Text 24 Pt Text 24 Pt Text Speaker Notes Use this space for overall notes and general comments. Simply select this text and replace it with your own comments. 24 Pt Text 24 Pt Text Summary Heading. Text. 24 Pt Text
4 Large Text Boxes w/ Arrows Speaker Notes Use this space for overall notes and general comments. Simply select this text and replace it with your own comments. 24 pt Text 24 pt Text 24 pt Text Summary Heading. Text. 24 pt Text 24 pt Text
4 Part Concept 28 Pt Text 24 pt Text 24 pt Text 24 pt Text 24 pt Text Speaker Notes Use this space for overall notes and general comments. Simply select this text and replace it with your own comments. 24 pt Text 28 Pt Text 24 pt Text Summary Heading. Text. 24 pt Text
4 Part Concept Topic Here Text Text Text Text Summary Overview Replace with presentation notes here. Text Topic Here Text Summary Overview XXXX Major Title Heading. XXXX Text Text
4 Part Concept Topic Here Text Text Text Text Summary Overview Replace with presentation notes here. Text Topic Here Text Summary Overview XXXX Major Title Heading. XXXX Text Text
4 Part Concept 24 Point Text 20 Point Text 20 Point Text 20 Point Text Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occassion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. 20 Point Text 20 Point Text 24 Point Text Summary Heading. Text. 20 Point Text 20 Point Text
4 Part Concept 24 Point Label Here 24 Point 24 Point Text Text Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occassion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. 24 Point Label Here 24 Point Text 18 Pt Text 24 Point Text 18 Pt Text 18 Pt Text Summary Heading. Text. 24 Point Text 24 Point Text 24 Point Label Here 18 Pt Text
4 Part Process 28 Point Text Your Text Here Your Text Here This slide relates to XX-XX. 28 Point Text Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here Summary Overview XXXX Major Title Heading.
4 Part Concept Text Here Text Here Text Here Text Here More Less Many people do not understand that ethics are situation-specific and time-based -- and business ethics are no exception. Teaching Tip: But this does not mean that ethics are capricious or unimportant. In fact, all societies have a code of ethics and more businesses than ever recognize that a strong code of ethics is good business: it can protect the company from internal wrong-doing and possible legal liability, and, for marketers, serve as a strong foundation upon which to build long-term customer relationships. Ethical development can be thought of as having three levels: Preconventional Morality. This childlike level is calculating and self-centered. As a selfish morality, it is typically based upon what is likely to be immediately rewarded or punished. Conventional Morality. At this level the focus moves away from the self and toward the expectations (conventions) of the society in which the individual lives. Loyalty and obedience to “the rules” are important and this behavior can be generalized from society as a whole to an attachment to one’s company or organization. Marketers at this level are concerned with whether or not an activity is legal and how it is viewed by others. Postconventional Morality. At this level, the individual takes a long-run view of her or his actions, weighing them in relation to terminal values and matters of principle. This is the morality of the mature adult. Text Here Less
4 Part Concept Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Replace with presentation notes here. Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here Summary Overview XXXX Major Title Heading. XXXX Less More
4 Part Concept 22 Point Text 22 Point Text 22 Point Text 22 Point Text Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occassion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. 22 Point Text 22 Point Text Summary Heading. Text. 22 Point Text
4 Part Process - Vertical Your Text 4 Part Process - Vertical Speaker Notes Use this space for overall notes and general comments. Simply select this text and replace it with your own comments. Your Text Your Text Summary Heading. Text. Your Text
4 Step Process 24 Point Text 24 Point Text 24 Point Text 24 Point Text Speaker Notes Use this space for overall notes and general comments. Simply select this text and replace it with your own comments. ClipArt Here ClipArt Here 24 Point Text ClipArt Here ClipArt Here 24 Point Text Summary Heading. Text. ClipArt Here ClipArt Here ClipArt Here ClipArt Here
4 Part Concept 20 Point Text 20 Point Text 20 Point Text 20 Point Text Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occassion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. 20 Point Text Summary Heading. Text. 20 Point Text 20 Point Text 20 Point Text 20 Point Text
4 Part Concept 24 Point Text 22 Point Text 22 Point Text 22 Point Text Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occassion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. 22 Point Text 24 Point Text 22 Point Text Summary Heading. Text. 22 Point Text
4 Part Concept 22 Point Text 22 Point Text 22 Point Text 22 Point Text Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occassion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. 22 Point Text focus.: 20 Point Text 22 Point Text 20 Point Text focus.: Summary Heading. Text. 22 Point Text 20 Point Text focus.: 20 Point Text focus. :
4 Part Compare/Contrast 22 Point Text Text Here Replace with presentation notes here. Case For Case Against 22 Point Text Text Here Summary Overview XXXX Major Title Heading. XXXX 22 Point Text Text Here 22 Point Text Text Here
4 Part Concept 28 Point Title 24 Point Title 24 Point Title Speaker Notes Use this space for overall notes and general comments. Simply select this text and replace it with your own comments. Summary Heading. Text. 24 Point Title 24 Point Title
4 Part Circular Flow 20 pt text 20 pt text 20 pt text 20 pt text 20 pt Speaker Notes Use this space for overall notes and general comments. Simply select this text and replace it with your own comments. 20 pt text 20 pt text 20 pt text 20 pt text 20 pt text Summary Heading. Text. 20 pt text 20 pt text 20 pt text
4 Part Concept 24 pt Text 24 pt Text 24 pt 24 pt Text Text 24 pt Text Speaker Notes Use this space for overall notes and general comments. Simply select this text and replace it with your own comments. 24 pt Text 24 pt Text 24 pt Text 24 pt Text Summary Heading. Text. 24 pt Text
4 Part Concept Your Text Your Text Your Text Your Text Your Text Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occasion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. Your Text Your Text Your Text Summary Heading. Text. Your Text Your Text
4 - Part Concept w Clip Art Speaker Notes Use this space for overall notes and general comments. Simply select this text and replace it with your own comments. 24 Point Text 24 Point Text Summary Heading. Text.
4 Part Concept Your Text Your Text Your Text Your Text Your Text This slide relates to XX-XX. Your Text Your Text Summary Overview XXXX Major Title Heading. Your Text Your Text Your Text
4 Part Concept Your Text Your Text Your Text Your Text Your Text This slide relates to XX-XX. Your Text Summary Overview XXXX Major Title Heading. Your Text Your Text Your Text Your Text
4 Part Concept The Firm Strategy, Structure, Rivalry Factor Conditions Speaker Notes Use this space for overall notes and general comments. Simply select this text and replace it with your own comments. Strategy, Structure, Rivalry Factor Conditions Demand Conditions The Firm Summary Heading. Text. Supporting Industries
4 - Part Concept w Clip Art Speaker Notes Use this space for overall notes and general comments. Simply select this text and replace it with your own comments. 24 Point Text 24 Point Text Summary Heading. Text. 24 Point Text 24 Point Text
4 Part Pyramid Text Here Text Here Text Here Text Here Replace with presentation notes here. Text Here Summary Overview XXXX Major Title Heading. XXXX Text Here Text Here Text Here
2 Faced Slanted Pyramid 18 Pt Text 18 Pt 18 Pt Text 18 Pt Text 18 Pt Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occasion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. 18 Pt Text 18 Pt Text 18 Pt Summary Heading. Text. 18 Pt Text 18 Pt 18 Pt Text
4 Part Concept 20 Point Text 20 Point Text 20 Point Text or Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occassion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. 20 Point Text 20 Point Text 20 Point Text or Clip Art Here Summary Heading. Text. 20 Point Text 20 Point Text
4 Part Concept 24 Point 24 Point Text 24 Point Text 24 Point Text Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occasion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. 24 Point Text 24 Point Text 24 Point Summary Heading. Text. 24 Point Text 24 Point Text
4 Part Concept 28 Point Text Your Text Here Your Text Here This slide relates to XX-XX. Your Text Here 28 Point Text Your Text Here Summary Overview XXXX Major Title Heading. Your Text Here Your Text Here 3
4 Part Concept 28 Point Text Your Text Here Your Text Here This slide relates to XX-XX. Your Text Here 28 Point Text Your Text Here Summary Overview XXXX Major Title Heading. Your Text Here Your Text Here 3
4 Part Concept Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here This slide relates to XX-XX. Your Text Here Summary Overview XXXX Major Title Heading. Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here
4 Part Concept Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here This slide relates to XX-XX. Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here Summary Overview XXXX Major Title Heading. Your Text Here
Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occasion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. Summary Heading. Text.
Summary Overview Major Title Replace with presentation notes here. XXXX Major Title Heading. XXXX
Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occassion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. Summary Heading. Text.
4. 전자상거래와 물류 e-Logistics의 개념 IT를 기반으로 물류 전반에 걸쳐 Solution을 제공하고 다양한 부가가치 물류서비스를 On-line상에서 구현하여 고객만족을 극대화하며 공급체인 전체의 물류 프로세스를 효율적으로 지원하는 활동 공급업체 배송업체 제조업체 정보시스템 물류업체
e-Marketplace Functionality 5. 전자상거래와 물류 e-MarketPlace Functionality 1.Information 4.Integration 관련 정보를 탐색. 제공하는 것이 주요 기능 해당 산업의 공급자, 구매자 등 관련 자원에 대한 정보를 포함 구매자/판매자가 기존에 보유하고 있는 Application을 e-MP기능에 연결하여 활용할 수 있게 함. e-MarketPlace에서 가장 복잡한 기능 단계 e-Marketplace Functionality 2.Facilitation 3.Transaction 구매자의 Needs에 맞는 Supplier 들을 Matching 시키는 기능 거래는 기존의 채널을 이용해야 함 MarketPlace 참여자들이 거래를 Online으로 완료할 수 있게 함 고차원 적인 Trade Integrity 필요
Digital Complex-Technology of Power+Internet+Networking 4. 사업구조 Digital Complex-Technology of Power+Internet+Networking Business Areas & Main Product i 중전기기 그룹 i Digital 그룹 전력제어기(KEN) MCC Cell 전력량계(WHM) 최대수요전력제어기(100DM) 자동역률제어기(KEN-2500) 지능형변전실 지능형MCC 임대형 i 지능형변전실 전력종합 관리시스템 Service/ SI 그룹 스쿠터 그룹 전기안전관리(iKEN) 전자상거래 ESCO GEMS 전기공사 스쿠터 - 5 - KD POWER 한국경제의 5%를 분명히 책임지겠습니다.