By:Raeleigh Villanueva The Nervous System By:Raeleigh Villanueva
What is the nervous system? The nervous system is a network of cells that move your body parts and helps you use your 5 senses every day.Without your nervous system you wouldn’t be able to do anything really like walk,talk,move body parts,run and even be able to think properly. Delete the word really
What are neurons and glial cells? A neuron is a type of cell in your body. You have over millions and millions of them inside of you. Whenever you move your arm or leg, neurons are helping you do that, and so are glial cells.Glial cells help support and protect the neuron. Take the last sentence and put it after the second sentence
Types of neurons and what they do for you Sensory neurons Motor neurons interneurons What do sensory neurons do for you? Sensory neurons carry signals from your outer body parts to your central nervous system. What do motor neurons do for you? Motor neurons carry signals from the central nervous system to your outer body parts. What do interneurons do for you? Interneurons carry signals from neuron to neuron,but it is starting and ending starting and ending. Like a relay race you want to get to point a to point b but you do 1 lap and your other teammates do 1 too.
What Helps the brain Nutrition is key.Eating healthy helps yours brain function. It is what keeps your body going.Your brain functions best when it has good fuel and good fuel comes from fruits and vegetables. Also some fruits and vegetables boost your memory like blackberries, cabbage, raspberries, broccoli,cherries,and dark leafy greens.
THen and Now Then Scientist didn't know much about the brain.They didn't know how to cure illnesses. Now Now we know how to treat diseases and make sure the patients get better.We know how diseases like Parkinson's affect people,their thoughts and senses because some bad cells in their body take over the places of the cells that control the body movement.
How would the brain react to a mosquito bite? Trends How would the brain react to a mosquito bite? When a mosquito bites you,your sensory neurons start to send messages to each other when it reaches the brain your brain tells you to itch because you're allergic to the silive injected from the mosquito.So then your reaction is to it is you itch it. Scratch ,not itch
(And if you think about it your Across Discipline You use your brain in many ways, like a science fair project. You move your hands and arms while your brain is taking observations.Even when you walk the nervous system is still helping you by moving your feet. Still want more??? Well,another example is at school.Your nervous system tells you to write,read,listen,and figure out problems! (And if you think about it your using it right now.)
Patterns How does your brain reacts to Stranger danger?Whenever you feel like there is stranger danger That sends messages through your sensory neurons up to your brain and it tells your brain and your brain tells the motor neurons what it feels like you should do in that situation.For example some people start to worry,freak out over little things or get paranoid.
Word Cloud
Ethics and Multiple perspectives
Choice 1: get it fixed and go to hospital
“Is Paralysis related to the brain/nervous system connection?” Questions “Is Paralysis related to the brain/nervous system connection?” “What are the most likely problems that people have with there nervous system?” Yes,Paralysis is often caused by damage of the nervous system especially the spinal cord. The most likely problems with the nervous system are ALS, epilepsy, seizures, headache, and many more.
Fun Facts The brain is an organ that is the body’s control center. There are over millions and millions of neurons in your body. To be exact there is 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 neurons in your body. Boys and girls have different sized brains.(boys are slightly bigger) The size of your brain does not affect how smart you are. The nervous system helps your thoughts and process them. Your brain has 2 main cells:Neurons and Glial cells. Your brain loses neurons over time.
Want to know more? , “Nervous System.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 26 Sep. 2017, crashcourse. “The Nervous System, Part 1: Crash Course A&P #8.” YouTube, YouTube, 23 Feb. 2015, Santiago, Melissa. “Brain Nutrition.” 3 Nov. 2017, Round rock, Double File Trail. Edit Word Art -, Google Search, Google, “Nervous System Problems.” Nervous System Problems | Michigan Medicine, cite "Neurons and Glial Cells | Boundless Biology." Lumen Learning – Simple Book Production. Web. <>.
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