TDD patterns and *DD
General Patterns Isolated Test Should the running of the tests affect one another? Test List What should you test? Test First When should you write your tests? Assert First When should you write your assert? Test Data What data should you use in your test? Evident Data How to represent intent?
Green Bar Patterns Fake it How to implement a broken test? Triangulation How to abstract from tests? Obvious implementation How to implement simple operations? One-to-many How to implement operations on collections?
Red Bar Patterns One step test Which test to pick next? Starter test Which test to start with? Explanation test How do you explain the behaviour of your code? Learning Test When to test for external software? Another Test How to keep focused? Break What to do when tired? Do Over What to do when lost?
Other *DD techniques Acceptance Test-driven development (ATDD) Development driven by tests from the customer Set of Black-box tests Represents the features expected by the customer Reqs Acceptance Tests Implementation Behviour Test-driven development (BDD) From low to high level requirements Focus on business values Use of user story-like templates (Semi) automatic tools transform them into tests
Exercise Minesweeper is a cute little game. The goal of the game is to find all the mines within an NxM field. To help you, the game shows a number in a square which tells you how many mines there are adjacent to that square. For instance, take the following 4x4 field with 2 mines (which are represented by an * character): * * The same field, including the hint numbers described above, would look like this: * * You should write a program that takes a field of NxM (0 < N,M <= 100) for input. Each safe square is represented by an "." character (without the quotes) and each mine square is represented by an "*" character (also without the quotes). You can decide how many mines (<NxM) there will be and where they will be in the field. The program should output N lines of M characters where the. is replaced by the number of adiacent miles to that square. To be implemented using Test-driven development