Information for Underclassmen Union Grove High School Information for Underclassmen
Profile in Courage Essay Contest The contest is open to United States high school students in grades nine through twelve attending public, private, parochial, or home schools A top prize of $10,000 The Profile in Courage Essay Contest is open for submissions. The contest deadline is January 18, 2019. For more information or to apply, please go to
Rho Sigma Lambda Chapter Presents Alpha Leadership Development & Citizenship Education Institute March 16, 2019 (9am – 3pm) @ Stockbridge High School For Male and Female students grades 10th-12th. Applications due January 31st. See the website for more details
SMASH Morehouse will be adding a 3rd cohort for Summer 2019! Morehouse College SMASH Morehouse Summer Program Last Summer scholars took courses such as Design Thinking, Computer Science, Math, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics of Equity, Identity in Pop Culture Contexts as well as others. Scholars enjoyed opportunities to network with STEM professionals of color from around the country from a range of disciplines and professions. You can find more information about the impact of SMASH nationally here. SMASH Morehouse will be adding a 3rd cohort for Summer 2019! Recruitment of 9th grade males from the metro Atlanta area will begin in October and extending into February. The SMASH application opens November 1, 2018 and will close on March 1, 2019.
Test Prep
Other Important Information
YEARBOOKS!!! Buy your yearbook today for $85!! Forms in room 408 & Front Office!
In the Media Center/Learning Commons while supplies last. Agendas are now on sale for $3!!! In the Media Center/Learning Commons while supplies last.
UGHS Printing You asked for it! We did it! You can NOW Print from your Chromebooks!!! Before you are able to print from your Chromebook or Desktop, you must put money into a PaperCut account. To put money on your account, please see Learning Commons/ Media Center staff. Also, you will now have access to print in COLOR! Printing Prices: Printer A: Black & White: 10₵/page Printer B: Black & White: 10₵/page Printer C: Color Printer: 25₵/page
Visit the Learning Commons to purchase your school supplies HOURS 7:50am -3:40pm
Purchase your UGHS Spirit Wear Show Your School Pride Purchase your UGHS Spirit Wear in the front office
The office requires 48 hours for completion upon requesting During the summer . . . Request For : Certificate of Enrollment to obtain *Learner’s Permit *Permanent Driver’s License Completion of Work Permits – are no longer . required for youth age 16 and older. The office requires 48 hours for completion upon requesting