Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)


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Presentation transcript:

Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Common Implementation Strategy 11th Meeting of the Marine Strategy Coordination Group (MSCG) Agenda item 7 – B – c: - WG ESA - Progress report - Draft Recommendation on MSFD-Programmes of Measures European Commission DG Environment Marine and Water Industry Unit 13 November 2013, Brussels

Joint GES/ESA workshop (17-18 June 2013) Main conclusion More than 60 participants ESA and GES members + RSC representatives + Stakeholders + EC + Consultants Main conclusion: A set of Key Messages has been identified Need to join effort to establish a Recommendation / Concept paper for the establishment of PoM asap, based on the KM Need to continue sharing information through specific workshop

Joint GES/ESA workshop (17-18 June 2013) Overview of the KM (1) Following presentations made and plenary discussions: KM 1: Follow the logic of the Directive: IA -> Indicators and targets -> measures (Art 13.1) all to meet GES in the end KM 2: Need to prioritise from potential measures under consideration to cost effective and technically feasible measures (Art 13.3) KM 3: Where relevant and practical, measures could to be coordinated (Art 5.2 and Annex VI.4)). RSC play an important part in this process. KM 4: Consider the need to agree a high level categorization of measures that could help with reporting (see decentralised approach / fact sheet for monitoring) KM 5: Learn from WFD and appreciate that there are some differences.

Joint GES/ESA workshop (17-18 June 2013) Overview of the KM (2) Following break-out sessions: KM 1: A lot done in Art 8, 9 qnd 10 but there are gaps: where information good enough progress on measure should be made in cycle 1 Where there is more uncertainty, exchange ideas and fill gaps in preparation for cycle 2 and consider the application of the precautionary principle KM 2: Typology (Annex VI) is not very relevant for economic and technical analysis on measures. However, there may be benefits for regional co-ordination and reporting in the long term. KM 3: Important to understand the links between existing measures and MSFD requirements; perform a gap analysis to identify new measures and coordinate better with relevant existing policy: what extentd we need to review the effectiveness of existing measures in meeting MSFD targets? If changces are needed in other Directives to meet MSFD requirements, they should be made in those Directives and not in MSFD KM 4: Different interpretation of Art 14: need for a common understanding (need to reflect lessons learnt and existing guidance from WFD) KM 5: Cooperation ESA-GES: process should be interactive and on-going. Information needed from GES and other relevant policy experts e.g. type of measure, expected impact, and technical feasibility of measures KM 6: Suggestion for joint knowledge exchange forum in Autumn: mid / long term fora for exchanging info on Eurostat data issues and other practial issues KM 7: Coordination better placed at Regional Seas Convention . Recognisition that RSC provide a relevant group for developing coordinated measures

Joint GES/ESA workshop (17-18 June 2013) Follow up E-mail to MSCG members (25 June) informing on the operational conclusions and the plan to process. Some interim work with exchange of e-mail to prepare a first document identifying: The objective of a possible PoM Recommendation, The main outline of the Recommendation, The Key messages which need to be further developped, added or deleted.

WG ESA meeting (15-16 October 2013) The meeting mainly focused on : CIS work program Follow up of the ESA-GES workshop (one of the main activities of WG ESA identified in the CIS work program) Research needs

Outline of the PoM Recommendation – Version 0 Introduction Requirements of the Directive Recommendations / Key messages -> 7 Costs, benefits and governance of the programmes of measures RSC on-going work Reporting Knowledge exchange and other practical issues Annex 1: Descriptors approach aiming to identify per Descriptors which measures are already covered by other legislation Annex 2: Legislative / Funding mixed approach aiming at identifying measures in other policies which are pertinent for MSFD but not listing them extensively in PoM. This would help for the identification of the good governance level of the overall PoM together with the relevant funding mechanism which may be used. Annex 3: Analysis of needs from reporting on MSFD PoM programmes: key questions

Outline of the PoM Recommendation – Version 1/2 Introduction Requirements of the Directive Requirements for the development of measures Requirements for regional cooperation Requirements in relation to other policy frameworks Exemptions Timeline ‘Measures’ and ‘programmes of measures’ – definitions and typology Logics of the directive and streamlined procedures for the development of programmes of measures Technical specification of environmental targets as a basis for measures Attribution of existing measures and of measures that are already under development Gap analysis and identification of additional (and/or modified) measures Selection of measures (where there is a choice) e.g. under consideration of DEA and CBA approaches Alignment of measures into a PoM Implementation planning Assessment of sustainability of PoM Strategic environmental assessment of PoM (where necessary)

Outline of the PoM Recommendation – Version 1/2 Interlinkages to other policy frameworks (including other EU directives) Measures under the WFD Measures under the Habitats and Birds directives Regional measures Other relevant regulations Coordination within marine regions Costs, benefits and governance of the programmes of measures Reporting Knowledge exchange and other practical issues Annex inchanged

Written comments to be received on Version 3 Proposed next steps Action Who When Designation of experts from GES and ESA to participate to a dedicated PoM drafting group MSCG 15 November 2013 Version 3 taking into account MSCG discussions to be sent to the drafting group DG ENV Written comments to be received on Version 3 PoM Drafting group 4 December 2013 Version 4 collecting comments received from PoM Drafting Group on version 3 to be sent back to the Drafting Group 6 December 2013

Action Who When Discussion on version 4 PoM Drafting group 11-12 December 2013 (PoM Drafting Group meeting) Brussels Intercessional work To be organised Discussion on version 5 If necessary 27-28 January 2014 tentative dates, Brussels to be confirmed Version 6 to be sent to MSCG DG ENV 29 January 2014 Discussion (endorsement) on version 6 MSCG 11 February 2014 (MSCG meeting) MSCG will be asked to agree upon the main elements of the Version 6 which will be necessary to start working on related reporting. The endorsement of the final version should then happen not later than at the next MSCG meeting (May 2014) including Annex 3 on reporting

Thank you for your attention! Thank you for your attention!