Expository Writing
What is it? Gives facts, reasons, or examples Highly Structured Transition words a must No dialogue Non-opinionated
Examples of Expository Writing Research paper Newspaper article Lab report
Introduction Give quick background information (if necessary) STRONG THESIS – inform the reader about what to expect in your essay
Conclusion Restate thesis Give any final thoughts about the topic
Questions to Ask Yourself: Writing Body Paragraphs Why? How? What difference does it make?
Bake The Cake: Organizing Body Paragraphs Another way to think about body paragraphs is to organize them visually. If we look at a body paragraph as a three-layer cake, we can divide it up as follows:
Top Layer: Statement and/or Reason This layer is thin since it can usually be accomplished in one or two sentences. Key Question: Why? (as related to the qualitative statement)
Middle Layer: Examples/Descriptions This layer is the thickest of the three because it will contain particular details supporting the reason. Key Question: How? (as related to the answer to Why?)
Bottom Layer: Summation/Conclusion This layer is also thin because, like the top layer, it can be accomplished in one or two sentences. Key Question: What difference does it make? (consequences of How?)
Bake The Cake Top Layer: Reason Middle Layer: Examples Bottom Layer: Summation
Example Topic Sentence: “I hate taking out the garbage.” Why? “It smells.” How? “The plastic always bulges full of things like last week’s meatloaf, old tuna fish cans, and moldy cheese.”
Example Continued What difference does it make? “That smell almost always soaks into my clothes, and, when I get to school, nobody will be my friend.”
If we were writing the essay, “Why I hate taking out the garbage”… We would bake three cakes: an “it smells” cake, an “it’s heavy and the bag breaks” cake, and a “dogs get in it and spread it all over the yard” cake.
Finally Be Creative Don’t make it sound like an owner’s manual