Chris Hentschel, CEO MMV APPMG Meeting. 11 June 2008 Chris Hentschel, CEO MMV 2nd block automatic = 1 line for Name - 1 line for Location and date = all the same size and colour(as in masque) 2nd block automatic = 1 line for Name - If required in bold - must be changed manually when changing text
An inconvenient truth Q: What Tools do we have to Conquer Malaria? A: Tools are not enough!
The Six Step Global Malaria Business Plan 3 R&D Steps 3 Control Steps Learn & Improve Strategies Discover Develop Deliver Such an inspirational vision is fine ….. There have been many such before This vision is however being backed by a GMBP under the auspices of the RBM partnership. There is also separate “R&D for Eradication” process underway spearheaded by thr Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. A key challenge will be to integrate the the now
Malaria eradication requires that the basic reproductive number, R0 < 1 . Drugs & Diag -nostics Vaccines IRS ITNs “R0 < 1 then eradication will follow, whereas if R0 > 1 then the disease remains endemic.”
Values of R0 of well-known infectious diseases Malaria 1- 200 Measles Airborne 12-18 Pertussis Airborne droplet 12-17 Diphtheria Saliva 6-7 Smallpox Social contact 6-7 Polio Fecal-oral route 5-7 Rubella Airborne droplet 5-7 Mumps Airborne droplet 4-7 HIV/AIDS Sexual contact 2-5 SARS Airborne droplet 2-5 Influenza Airborne droplet 2-3
Evolution can enable re-emergence
Better Tools and Strategies Eradication – a vision that now rests on four pillars Better Tools and Strategies Rapid Scale Up (SUFI) Political Will Economic Growth In Oct 2007 at the BMGF Malaria Forum the Foundations leadership backed by WHO and the leadership of the RBM partnership called for Eradication to be the fundamental goal of the efforts of all involved in the fight against malaria. MMV had in fact preempted such global leadership its Annual report published in May 2007…. Malaria Elimination and Eradication
Indian Eradication Poster ca 1960
Thank You Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead
Thank You 2nd block automatic = 1 line for Name - 1 line for Location and date = all the same size and colour(as in masque) 2nd block automatic = 1 line for Name - If required in bold - must be changed manually when changing text