STRATEGIC OVERVIEW VISION Our vision is that a transformed professional and well-regulated real estate sector in a spatially integrated society.
MISSION Protect - Through education awareness building and information sharing we strive to protect the interest and dignity of the property consuming public and their security of tenure. Regulate- We regulate the property profession by establishing norms and standards educating licensing the enforcement of regulations and standards for industry role-players and the administration of the Estate Agents Fidelity Fund. Transform- As the leaders of the sector we drive the transformation of the property market to facilitate equitable economic growth through broad participation.
VALUES Integrity- We pledge adherence to the highest moral principles and professional standards through mutual respect amongst and between us, our shareholder and our stakeholders. Excellence- We commit to at all times acting professional delivering on our mandate and exceeding the expectations of our shareholder and all the stakeholders we serve. Communication- We accept the responsibility of enabling and facilitating a free flow of information between ourselves and all our shareholders and stakeholders especially the public and to respecting their views at all times. Transparency- We declare for all to know that as a matter of principle our interactions with our shareholder and all stakeholders will be conducted in an open fashion and that we will be accountable for our actions.
Organisational Environment
Programme and Sub-Programme Plan Compliance Programme OUTCOME KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR MEDIUM TERM TARGETS 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 Percentage of compliant registered Estate Agents 9% 10% 11% Total estate agents self-assessments and FIC inspections 830 950 1070
Compliance Programme Cont/… Ref. No. OUTPUT PERFORMANCE INDICATOR MEDIUM TERM TARGET 2018/19 1.1 Percentage of complaints resolved within six months 80% of complaints are resolved within 6 months Total number of complaints received 7 390 Total number of complaints resolved within six months 5 912 1.2 Percentage of certificates issued (FFC) to new registered and compliant estate agents within 21 days 95% of the certificates issued to new registered and compliant estate agents within 21 days Total number of certificates issued (FFC) to new registered and compliant estate agents. 7 237 Total number of issued (FFC) to new registered and compliant estate agents within 21 days. 6 875
Compliance Programme Cont/… Ref. No. OUTPUT PERFORMANCE INDICATOR MEDIUM TERM TARGET 2018/19 1.3 Percentage renewal certificates (FFC) issued to current registered and compliant estate agents issued within 5 days 95% of the renewal certificates issued to current and compliant estate agents within 5 days Total number of renewal certificates (FFC) issued to current registered and compliant estate agents 66 919 Total number of renewal certificates (FFC) issued to current registered and compliant estate agents issued within 5 days. 63 573 1.4 Number of self-assessment evaluation received analysed remediated and prosecuted. 700 Number of self-assessment evaluation received. 1.5 Number of FIC inspections performed. 130 Number of FIC inspections performed.
Education and Training Programme OUTCOME KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR MEDIUM TERM TARGETS Number of Estate Agents with professional qualification 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2800 3500 4200
Education and Training Programme Cont/… OUTPUT PERFORMANCE INDICATOR MEDIUM TERM TARGET 2018/19 2.1 Percentage of qualifying estate agents who enrolled, paid and wrote for the exam have received exam results. 100% of qualifying estate agents who enrolled paid and wrote for the exam have received exam results. Total number of qualifying estate agents who enrolled paid and wrote the examination. 2 040 Total number of qualifying estate agents who enrolled paid and wrote the examination and that have received examination results. 2.2 Percentage of qualifying for exemptions granted exemption. 85% of compliant exemption requests processed. Total number of exemptions received. 530 Total number of qualifying for exemptions granted exemption. 451
Education and Training Programme Cont/… OUTPUT PERFORMANCE INDICATOR MEDIUM TERM TARGET 2018/19 2.3 Percentage of intern logbooks submitted have been processed. 85% of intern logbooks submitted have been processed. Total number of intern logbooks submitted have been processed. 1 200 1 020 2.4 Number of estate agent IRED seminars performed. 18 Estate agents IRED seminars. 2.5 Number of AGENT magazines published and issued. 4 AGENT magazines published and issued per annum.
Education and Training Programme Cont/… OUTPUT PERFORMANCE INDICATOR MEDIUM TERM TARGET 2018/19 2.6 Total number of estate agents accessing the web-page and social media application for publication. 37 078 Percentage of estate agents accessing the web-page and social media application for publication. 50% of the estate agents accessing web page and social application. 2.7 Percentage full status estate agents who have registered for CPD and have met with the CPD requirements. 75% of full status estate agents who have registered for CPD and have met with the CPD requirements. Total number of full status estate agents who have registered for CPD. 4 000 2.8 Total number of full status estate agents who have registered for CPD and have met CPD requirements 3 000 2.9 Total number of estate agents on EAAB database 74 156
Transformation Programme OUTCOME KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR MEDIUM TERM TARGETS Number of Estate Agents from previously disadvantaged backgrounds. 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 4 500 6 000 7 500
Transformation Programme Cont/… OUTPUT PERFORMANCE INDICATOR MEDIUM TERM TARGET 2018/19 3.1 Placement of youth, women ,people with disabilities and previously disadvantage with Host employers through the incubation programme. 2000 youth placed with host employers. 3.2 Number of illegal trading estate agents rehabilitated through the EAAB’s Amnesty campaign. 500 illegal estate agents rehabilitated. 3.3 Implementation of the principalisation programme 250 3.4 Number of Billboards set-up. 5 Billboards set-up per annum (2 Gauteng 2 KZN 1 Eastern Cape 3.5 Percentage of queries addressed in respect of consumer awareness from social media 90% of the social media queries addressed within 48 hours. 3.6 Number of queries received on social media 4000 3.7 Number of queries on social media addressed in 48 hours. 3600
Fidelity Fund Programme OUTCOME KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR MEDIUM TERM TARGETS 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 4 Fidelity Fund Net Asset Value growth 1.25% Total Net Asset Value of the Fund R636,675,645 R655,780,034 R643,575,453 Annual Growth of the Net Asset Value of the Fund R17,649,012 R19,100,389 R19,673,401
Fidelity Fund Programme OUTPUT PERFORMANCE INDICATOR MEDIUM TERM TARGET 2018/19 4.1 Percentage of claims finalised for payments within six months . 80% of claims are finalised within six months Number of claims received. 160 Number of claims finalised for payments within six months. 128 4.2 Percentage increase in interest from estate agency trust accounts collected within 30 days . 95% of interest received from trust account is collected within 30 days of due dates. Interest from estate agents trust accounts invoices. 44 966 775 Interest from estate agents trust account collected. 42 746 936
Contribution to MTSF OUTCOME KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR MEDIUM TERM TARGETS 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 5.1 Broadcast media awareness campaign 14 600 000 housing consumers reached 16 000 000 housing consumers reached 18 000 000 5.2 Print media awareness 800 000 700 000 5.3 Number of interns (under internship/learnership) placed with Principal Estate Agents 1000 interns placed with principal estate agents N/A
Contribution to MTSF OUTCOME KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR MEDIUM TERM TARGETS 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 5.4 Percentage increase of Estate Agents operating in subsidised and affordable housing areas 10% increase of estate agents operating subsidised and affordable housing areas 5% increase of estate agents operating subsidised and affordable housing areas 5.5 Implementation Bi-annual data/information on industry trends and analysis available
EAAB BUDGET – 2018/2019
EAFF BUDGET – 2018/2019