Germany after World War 1
Treaty of Versailles Germany loses 13% of territory & 12.5% of their population No armies allowed in the Rhineland After 31 March 1920, 100,000 soldiers maximum – no submarines, aircraft, or heavy artillery Germany must accept responsibility for the war All overseas colonies were divided up between Britain, France, and Japan Germany was required to pay $ 6.6 billion to victors
Economic Problems To pay for war Germany borrowed lots $$, now heavily in debt Government started printing more money to pay money to victorious powers German businesses and economy were not expanding Resulted in massive inflation Billions of marks for one stamp, shopping bag full of marks for the streetcar
Spring 1922 300 Marks = 1 USD Early 1923 50 000 Marks = 1 USD
Depression Just as Germany was recovering from its runaway inflation the U.S. Stock Market Crashed in 1929 Americans could no longer buy German goods or loan money to the German government German businesses went bankrupt, people lost jobs, wages fell By 1932 unemployment had reached 6 million in Germany (more than 50% of its work force)
Political Instability “Believe me, our misery will increase! The government itself is the biggest swindler and crook. People are starving on millions of marks! We will no longer submit! We want a dictatorship!”
Political Instability After WWI Germany had more than a dozen political parties Each belonged to one of three General Groups – Communists, Social Democrats, and National Socialists (Nazis) No party could win a majority and as conditions worsened in Germany people began to listen to the extremist Nazi party
Nazi Party Beliefs Government should be run by the army and wealthy Industry should be privately owned Power of the military should be increased Democratic government should be outlawed Activities of Jews and foreigners should be severely restricted
Fascism in Canada and the World Military dictatorship run by a ruler who demands absolute control and power. Mussolini in Italy Hitler in Germany In Quebec Adrien Arcand fascist leader proclaims himself the Canadian fuhrer 1936 – 1939 civil war in Spain – Francisco Franco leads fascist forces against government 1200 Canadians went to Spain to fight against fascism. Called the Mac-Paps