The evidence-based language curriculum at KMUTT
Work to do Agree on the use of an evidence-based approach as the future direction for the undergraduate language curriculum Implement changes to course manuals for the 7 key findings already identified Enlarge the knowledge base Identify effective teachers and collect advice Further searching for best practices from the literature Collate evidence from MA theses Identify best practices from Thai publications outside KMUTT Conduct new research to identify best practices
Process of evidence-based curriculum INPUT APPLICATION EVALUATION Source of input Recommended change to practice Making changes to LNG materials Examining effects of changes
Input to evidence-based curriculum Credible research sources (general) KMUTT staff research Credible research sources (speaking) Effective teachers KMUTT MA theses Non-KMUTT Thai research New research Limited strategy training Process writing Collaborative writing Multiple sources of feedback inc. peers
Effective teachers LNG101 Chada LNG102 Kasamaporn LNG103 Ornkanya Why are they effective? Behaviour/Persona Not relevant to curriculum design Forum of beliefs, philosophies, practices New staff should observe them? Materials/Activities Identify any materials/activities used not in standard course
Application of input to curriculum For each recommended practice: Do materials for LNG101-103, 105-107 already include these practices? Are there activities or tasks where these practices could easily be added? Are there elective courses where the practices are likely to be useful? Design handouts (with teacher’s notes) as supplementary materials
Evaluation of applied practices Small-scale research studies E.g. What feedback do students give to their peers in LNG103 Week 8? Is the feedback valid? Does the feedback appear useful?
Timetable for evidence-based curriculum
Evidence-based Curriculum responsibilities INPUT Identifying effective teachers Woravut Identifying their practices Woravut? Research sources for speaking Douglas and Woravut MA theses Punyapa Thai research Kasamaporn and Saowaluck Database of Thai research Woravut New research Phanitphim and Ananya Selim ?? APPLICATION Feb-May 2016 Penpitcha + ? June – July 2016 ?
Research discussion in June Present complete list of recommended practices supported by evidence that should be integrated into the curriculum from multiple sources Report integration of currently identified recommended practices (peer feedback etc.) Set plan for integration of other identified recommended practices Set plan for evaluating changes