ESF IMPLEMENTATION IN CYPRUS Technical Working Group May 13th, 2004
1. Overall Assessment Structures In place MA – Planning Bureau IB – Min. of Labour & Soc. Insurance (ESF Unit) PA – Treasury of the Republic of Cyprus Audit – Independent Audit Body
1. Overall Assessment Main Challenges Fine-tuning Further capacity enhancement Training Consultants Short programming period Quick responsiveness of structures
1. Overall Assessment Main Challenges (cont.) Final Beneficiaries readiness Lack of expertise Project management Structural Funds Regulations Staff shortages Outsourcing
1. Overall Assessment Twinning Projects Twinning project with German experts aiming at understanding the administrative arrangements for Structural Funds programming and implementation
1. Overall Assessment Solutions/Arrangements/Advice Utilize existing experience Utilize existing administrative and institutional structures Avoid duplication as much as possible “Short Proposal” approach Acceleration of implementation process Facilitation of learning process Strengthening of funds absorption capacity
1. Overall Assessment Guidance & Assistance Open line – Help desk (Advisor from Commission – one stop shop paradigm) Special attention on issues of eligibility of expenditure
2. Implementation Arrangements Monitoring Committee It works All major players are represented (public sector, local authorities, economic & social partners, NGO’s etc) Advantageous position (experience of tripartism since 1950s)
2. Implementation Arrangements Main Challenges in Developing the Programme Complement Performance indicators for each measure Specific selection criteria for each measure Project appraisal and selection procedure due to lack of evaluation culture
2. Implementation Arrangements Social Partners´ Involvement Social Dialogue – historically established Involvement at all stages (National & EU funds) Consultation process Preparation/planning Implementation
2. Implementation Arrangements Gender Mainstreaming Strategy The commitment of the Cyprus Government to the promotion of equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women has been manifested through the National Development Plans The legislative framework is in line with EU Implementation Reinforcement of the relevant institutional mechanisms Time for making the adjustments
2. Implementation Arrangements State Aid The legislative framework is in line with EU
3. Project Pipeline and Project Implementation Eligibility Rules and Procedures Need for clarification “Crystal clear” language, understandable by the layman (avoid legalistic jargon)
4. Financial Issues Utilization of the long experience of the relevant departments of the public sector Multi-annual budget programming is ensured through the existing legislative framework concerning the programming and budgeting procedure that is followed The projects will be pre-funded from the national budget (to secure effective cash flow) Management, monitoring and control of all related data will be done through an IT Management Information System (ready in August)