Message & Mandate Exploring the message. It is a message that focuses on and has at its core, Jesus. The modern focus has shifted from Jesus to His church.
Message & Mandate Exploring the mandate. The purpose of God in Christ - to take the light of salvation to all peoples of the world. The boundary of the mandate - the whole world.
Message & Mandate Carrying out the mandate, and what we can learn. The spread of the gospel recorded in Acts. Acts 2:1-21- the Day of Pentecost. Acts 8:26-39 - Philip in Samaria & the Ethiopian eunuch Acts 10:1-48 - Peter’s encounter with Cornelius.
Message & Mandate Carrying out the mandate, and what we can learn. The spread of the gospel recorded in Acts. What we learn about this mandate. The message of the gospel is for everyone. Obeying this mandate is not optional.
Message & Mandate “There is no participation in Christ without participation in His mission to the world. Hence the church is not called on to decide whether she will carry the mission or not. She can decide for herself whether she wants to be the church.” Georg F. Vicedom, The Mission of God, p. 6